Chapter 413

Murong Bai explained a few words to Brahma and then left. Due to the relationship between Tianxia and Wushuang, he didn't say it too bluntly. He just said to go back. As for where Brahma will go back, it is naturally clear that it is the Slaughter Gate.After watching Murong Bai leave, for some reason, Brahma was finally relieved, at least the appearance of the other party seemed to make him see a glimmer of light in the darkness.

If Murong Bai returns to the Killing Sect to report the matter to the Sect Master, or the Sect Master will directly intervene, maybe he will send some more people out. It's just that he doesn't know the front killer, or the existence that is more powerful than the killer.

"Master, is that man your elder brother?"

Just as Brahma was thinking about it, the words from the world undoubtedly struck his heart heavily, "I always feel that he is weird, and I don't think he is a good person."

"Do you think my senior brother is not a good person?" Brahma smiled innocently, "Under Heaven, did my senior brother offend you before, why do you think he is not a good person?"

"Intuition." Tianxia said, "Women's intuition is very effective. It looks good on the surface, but I just feel that he is not a good person. Didn't you just say that you were betrayed? Did you ever think about betraying your people? it's him?"

"Shut up!" Brahma yelled, "Don't say this again in the future. My elder brother will never betray us. To betray us is to betray himself. What good does he do? And for what purpose? It must be impossible things."

"Why are you so fierce?" Tianxia pouted, "I can't even talk about it. Besides, I just said that he was suspicious, but I didn't say that he was the one who betrayed you. Hmph, why don't I go? It's obviously suspicious, but why not?" Let me say, if not possible, why didn't he just answer your question directly, wasn't he deliberately avoiding it?"

Tianxia quickly left with anger, and Wushuang shook his head again and again when he saw this scene, "Master, Tianxia has such a temper, I hope your lord has a lot of knowledge and don't be as knowledgeable as her, I just want her to apologize to you."

Wushuang quickly chased him out, but at this time Brahma was stunned, because the words Tian Tian said just before he left, he thought about it carefully now, Murong Bai did not answer his question directly from the beginning to the end , just roughly summed it up, and didn't even explain clearly how he found him, which seemed to be really suspicious.

"Impossible, what on earth am I thinking?" Brahma shook his head violently, and said to himself, "It is impossible for senior brother to do such a thing, he is a member of the Slaughter Gate, and he is also the main person in charge of this operation." One of the people, if the mission cannot be completed, he will also be implicated. More importantly, he has no reason to help the Ma family to deal with his own people. I must be thinking too much. Everything is just a coincidence. Such things."

A few minutes later, Tianxia and Wushuang returned again, Tianxia looked a little weird, he didn't dare to look directly at Brahma, he must have been reprimanded by Wushuang, and felt a little embarrassed.

In fact, Brahma didn't really care about this little thing, Tianxia didn't mean to say that, to put it bluntly, the other party was also thinking about him, and it was considered to be an idea for him, after chatting with the two women, he left Fengyue Lou, just to be on the safe side, he returned to that inn again.

In the early morning of the next day, Brahma walked out of the inn, but just a few steps away, he felt someone following him behind him, which made him feel a little surprised, and at the same time thanked himself for being careful, otherwise he would have really shown his feet.

Fantian swaggered out of the inn with a smile on his face and returned to the Ma Mansion. When he arrived at the Ma Mansion, more than half of the rest of the same batch with him had already made up more than half of them, and they were almost all there one after another, but Brahma had a rough count. All of a sudden, there were only fourteen of them, including him, there were only fifteen of them, two less.

This point has not yet arrived, and Brahma will definitely not think that they are late. They have seen the previous example of being late, so there is only one possibility, and they gave up on their own initiative.I discussed it with my family when I got home, and maybe I gave up under the persuasion of my family. After all, this process may be fatal. For the timid, it is obviously an insurmountable mountain. Common sense.

In the anticipation of the crowd, Ma Zhong, a hulking figure, appeared in the sight of everyone, and Brahma found that Ma Zhong's gaze seemed to be projected towards him intentionally or unintentionally, and his eyes were absolutely full of malice.

"I hope you don't go too far. Don't force me to make a move. Once you make a move, your life will be lost." Brahma knew in his heart that the other party would definitely target him in the future, so he set a bottom line early in his heart. The bottom line, then he will fight back mercilessly, and there is only one result of the fight back, the other party dies.

"Fifteen, there were still seventeen yesterday, I didn't expect two more to be missing." Ma Zhong sneered together, naturally mocking the two cowards who flinched, "You 15 are not bad, maybe some of you will not be able to stay in the end. Come down, but compared to those cowards who retreated, you are much stronger. Here I can give you a promise in front of your face. Even if you fail this time, you will not be able to become our Ma family's guards in the end. Once our Ma family recruits guards again, we will definitely give you limited opportunities."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was overjoyed, obviously forgetting that there is a chance of death in the process of failure.

"You, come out!"

Ma Zhong tapped Brahma with his right hand, "Yesterday you dared to speak so loudly, which naturally shows that you have a certain strength. From now on, you will be their captain. If there is any problem among them, or if they cannot meet my requirements, then I will I'll just trouble you directly."

"This..." Brahma's eyebrows sank. He didn't expect Ma Zhong to come up and give him this trick. He has absolutely no problem in meeting any challenge, but he can't guarantee that others can pass the challenge. But I have to ask him to settle the score, this is definitely wronged.

"My lord, I can guarantee you 100% that I can successfully complete your hard training, but I really can't guarantee it for others. It's not fair to me." Brahma said, "Do you think it's okay? If he doesn’t come down, how about I finish the rest for him?”

"Okay!" Brahma thought that Ma Zhong would refuse, but unexpectedly he agreed so readily. He knew that Ma Zhong had no good intentions, but in the face of his absolute strength, the so-called hard training was really just a trivial matter.

"My lord, I don't accept it. I also have the strength to be the captain."

However, at this moment, a voice of opposition blatantly sounded. A muscular man about two meters away took a step forward, staring straight at Brahma, and immediately pointed his right hand, "My lord, I want to challenge like him."

(End of this chapter)

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