Chapter 414
Brahma was not too surprised when a challenger appeared. After all, apart from him, there were two other people who also lifted the metal block in the first test with one hand. I haven't encountered it in the battle test.

But at this time, one of them stood up. He naturally refused to accept Brahma. He had confidence in his own strength and was confident that he could defeat Brahma, thus becoming the leader of the team.

"If I pretend to fail and give him the captain's position, it may save some trouble." Brahma's eyes slid quickly, and he quickly denied this idea. This may reduce some troubles, but this way he can't reflect It is difficult to be valued for his outstanding side. If the result of being mixed into the Ma family is just a small guard, he will not be able to get close to the place where the prisoner is held. He must be given enough attention here, at least to raise his status. Ascension, then there may be a chance to get close to the prisoner's place, so as to find a way to rescue the poisonous dragon.

"You want to challenge him?" Ma Zhong squinted his eyes slightly, then nodded after a pause, "Okay, the position of captain can only be qualified by a capable person. If you can beat him, it means your If you are stronger than him, you will naturally have the ability to be the captain, and the position of captain is naturally reserved for those who are capable."

"My lord, if I injure him or kill him in the fight later, should I be in charge?" As soon as the brawny man said this, Brahma was undoubtedly more thoughtful, and then immediately Zhong's words confirmed his inner thoughts even more.

"Fatalities and injuries are inevitable, not to mention injuries, even if you are killed, you can only blame yourself for being inferior to others, and you can't help others." Ma Zhong fixed his gaze on Brahma, "Death is inevitable in competitions, can you The courage to accept his challenge? If you have the courage to accept the challenge, then I will be your notary, and whoever wins will be the captain."

"Okay, I accept the challenge." Brahma naturally wouldn't back down, aside from other factors, just the fact that the strong man and Ma Zhong teamed up to kill him, Brahma wouldn't bear it, since the other party wanted to hit him , then he will naturally fight back and let the other party know that he is not a soft persimmon, and not everyone can take it at will.

"Okay, since you agreed, the fight is about to begin." Ma Zhong yelled at the others, "Get out of the way, make room for the two of them, and let me watch carefully, whoever wins It's your captain."

Everyone stayed away wisely, leaving Brahma and the strong man with a natural space of more than ten square meters, while Ma Zhong stood less than a few meters away from the two.

"Little man, I admit that you have some strength, but it's only a little bit, and it's still far from me. Remember that my name is Wu Yong. If I accidentally kill you later, I will let you know. "

"Useless?" Brahma looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, "You admit that you are useless, do you think I will lose to you?"

As soon as Brahma finished speaking, everyone couldn't help laughing out loud. They could only blame the name for being too ridiculous. Wu Yong was chosen for any bad name. It sounded useless no matter what.

"court death."

Brahma's joke obviously angered Wu Yong completely, but Brahma didn't care about it. He dared to laugh at the fact that the other party was sure of winning. One hundred and eight thousand miles.For Wu Yong, Brahma is simply an insurmountable mountain, so unattainable.

But Wu Yong didn't know this, and everyone present, including Ma Zhong, didn't know, and Brahma naturally wouldn't use his full strength to fight Wu Yong. If he solved the opponent with one move, it would arouse suspicion instead.

"Come on, who is afraid of who."

Brahma drank together, forced Wu Yong to shake his fist, and for a while the two of them fought hand to hand, watching from a distance, just this posture alone, no one would think that Brahma would win, after all, the difference in body size between the two is quite disparate, Under the general premise, a person with a strong body is naturally stronger than a person with an average body.

The two punched each other more than ten times. Facing Wu Yong's fist, Brahma was not unable to dodge. More often, he deliberately did not dodge. He tried to pretend that he was hit by the opponent because he could not dodge. The situation of the battle made it impossible for others to see who would win in the end.

"Damn it, how tough this kid is, he has received almost ten punches from me, and he hasn't been injured yet. Not only that, his fists are also very powerful, and it hurts me every time I hit him."

After some contests, Wu Yong lost his previous self-confidence, and as time went by, he began to feel a little guilty, and even had a question, whether he would be Brahma's opponent.

"It's almost over."

Brahma thought in his heart that the battle was almost over, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and Ma Zhong suddenly forcibly intervened in the battle between the two and threw a shield to Ma Zhong.

Seeing such a scene, Brahma didn't make a sound, because he had already seen that Ma Zhong and Wu Yong were in communication, and he expected Ma Zhong to do such a behavior at this moment.

"It's really stupid, can you beat me with one more shield?"

Brahma laughed inwardly. He was laughing at Ma Zhong's stupidity and Wu Yong's stupidity. The two of them had no idea that Brahma was playing tricks on them.


Wu Yong's attack behind the shield became extremely fierce. Taking advantage of the shield in his hand, he not only blocked most of Brahma's attacks, but also violently smashed Brahma with the shield as a weapon.

However, Brahma dodged every attack, and if he was hit by a shield without any damage, Ma Zhong would see his flaws, but he had no choice but to make continuous detours and consume Wu Yong. In the end, this battle undoubtedly evolved. It became a protracted battle, until finally Wu Yong was so tired that even the right hand holding up the shield was trembling slightly.

"good chance."

Taking advantage of Wu Yong's right hand lowered slightly, Brahma punched Wu Yong's heart violently. This punch seemed not powerful enough, but in fact, he had already broken Wu Yong's heart, and directly knew Wu Yong's life with one punch.

With a bang, the shield in Wu Yong's hand fell to the ground first, and then Wu Yong's body also fell to the ground slowly.

Looking at Wu Yong who fell to the ground, Brahma quickly glanced at everyone present, "I won, but he seems to be dead. The power of my punch is not so powerful. He may have died from exhaustion."

After a pause, Brahma continued, "Who still doubts that I don't have the strength to become your captain?"

(End of this chapter)

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