Chapter 433

Ma Hou is insidious and cunning. When he heard that the poisonous dragon is very important, he immediately started to think differently. If he knows a little about medical skills, it is pure nonsense. His purpose is only one, and that is to find an opportunity to kill the poisonous dragon secretly.Originally, the poisonous dragon was seriously injured, and it seemed that he was on the verge of dying. Even if Brahma found out about his secret tricks, he could push it away completely.

Ma Hou's wishful thinking is very loud. After killing the poisonous dragon without anyone knowing it, Brahma will inevitably be reprimanded by Ma Defu. It's not a problem to pinch Brahma at will, maim or kill him.

It's a pity that the dream is beautiful, but the reality is always too cruel. Just as his right arm was about to touch the poisonous dragon, he was surprised to find that the right arm could no longer move half an inch. The wrist was suddenly pinched by an inconspicuous hand, and the owner of this hand was undoubtedly Brahma.

He didn't want to procrastinate at all, and besides, he was only angry with these two people. At this time, Ma Hou wanted to play tricks in front of him, no doubt because he thought his life was too long.

"You, how could you..."

Before Ma Hou could finish his words, the expression on his face suddenly changed drastically, he gritted his teeth, with an expression of extreme pain.


Brahma didn't talk nonsense with him, he squeezed his hand, and with the sound of bone cracking, Ma Hou's wrist was directly crushed by him.It wasn't until this moment that Ma Hou suddenly realized that this humble young man in front of him had such strength, and his right hand was crippled just by meeting him.Let alone one-on-one with this level of strength, even ten of them would not be opponents.

"Let, let me go, you can't do anything to me, my status is higher than yours."

"Yes, your status is indeed higher than mine." Brahma nodded slightly, and then fixed his gaze on Ma Zhong, "Your brother means to let me deal with you. Your status is lower than mine. Dealing with you is not a crime. Your brother will really take care of you."

"No, you can't attack me, have you forgotten the rules of the Ma family?"

Even Ma Hou nodded and bent down to give in. No matter how stupid Ma Zhong was, he knew that he had hit the iron plate. His strength was much worse than that of Ma Hou. It would be easy for Brahma to kill him.

"I'm sorry, I'm not from the Ma family, so the rules of the Ma family are useless to me. I only know that you target me everywhere. Now it's time to let you know what will happen to me."

As soon as the words fell, Brahma's figure flickered, and he came to Ma Zhong in the blink of an eye.One punch, one simple punch killed Ma Zhong. After all this was done, Brahma's figure returned to the original place again, and at this moment, the body of the poisonous dragon was not tilted. This is enough to show how terrifying Brahma's speed is. Killing Ma Zhong is a matter of lightning and flint.

"You killed my brother?" Seeing Ma Zhong dead, Ma Hou panicked. Ma Zhong was dead. Since the other party dared to kill him, he must be the next one, and he could not escape the disaster.

"Damn him, and so should you."

"No, you can't kill me. I'm different from him. If you kill me, my godbrother will come to settle accounts with you. You're dead."

At this moment, Ma Hou, who just wanted to survive, even moved out the geniuses of the Ma family. It's a pity that the geniuses of the Ma family are superior geniuses in the eyes of the Ma family, but they are destined to be nothing in the eyes of Brahma.

"It doesn't matter." Brahma shrugged. "If he dares to come to me, I'll send him to you. It's that simple. Now you can go down to accompany your brother, so that he won't be lonely on the road."

"Do not…"

Brahma has made up his mind, since he has already made up his mind to kill Ma Zhong and killed one more Ma Hou, then killing one more Ma Hou is just a matter of convenience.Poor Ma Hou never dreamed that his life would end like this, and he lost his life to such an insignificant person in his eyes.

This may be a typical blind eye, and sometimes a small person will be a giant dragon that overwhelms the river.

"Killed, killed people."

Brahma killed two people in a row, and there happened to be a few witnesses next to him. These people immediately shouted, but they didn't dare to approach Brahma. Firstly, they knew the identity of Brahma, and secondly, the status of the two brothers killed by Brahma was also Very high, this is not something they can interfere with.

"Both of them should be damned." Brahma's sharp eyes swept across the witnesses present, "I took this important prisoner out for treatment in the name of the Lord, but they wanted to forcibly obstruct it. In order to complete the task assigned to me by the Lord, I only need to kill them. Let them go, I will take full responsibility for this matter when I come back."

As soon as Brahma's words came out, the witnesses lost their voices and left silently, thinking it was a good show.

"Heaven committed evil, but you can live without self-inflicted evil"

Brahma glanced faintly at the two corpses on the ground from the corner of his eye, and immediately left with the help of the poisonous dragon, and left swaggeringly from the main gate of the Ma Mansion.

After leaving the Ma Mansion as he wished, Brahma had doubts in his heart. For a while, he didn't know where to put the injured poisonous dragon. After thinking about it, it seemed that only Fengyue Tower was safer. At least the two women who are unparalleled in the world are him People who are there, as long as they are careful there, they don't have to worry about being exposed and reporting.

But it was already past noon, Fengyue Building had started to operate, and the traffic flow was not small. Many people would definitely see it when entering the main entrance, and there was no guarantee that it would not be exposed by then.As for the side door, Fengyue Tower does have a side door, and there are two more, but unfortunately there is a lot of traffic at this side door. The two doors prepared for those handsome men who don't want to be discovered but want to come to Fengyuelou.

"It seems that we can only enter Fengyue Tower secretly after nightfall. Now we should find a hidden place to hide."

After making up his mind, Brahma supported the poisonous dragon and began to walk around the Ma Mansion. The most dangerous place is often the safest place. Brahma came out from the main entrance, and he wanted to find a hidden place near the back door to hide However, even if the people from the Ma family went out to search, they probably would not have expected them to be near the back door.



He had just reached the corner when there was an old shout behind him, and before he could react, a white-haired figure was already standing in front of him.

"It's so strong and murderous"

Brahma immediately felt the strong murderous intent from the opponent. There is no doubt that the old man in front of him is a member of the blood guard coach of the Ma family. He also had an account with the blood guard coach at the beginning, but none of them has the strength to Compared with the old man in front of him.

If he didn't use his blood madness with such strength, Brahma would have no chance of winning at all.

"It seems that the only thing left to do is to cast Blood Madness. It's a pity that it only happens once a month, and it's going to be cast so soon."

 All the judges begged not to be so stingy, all kinds of needs are there, the more you work hard, the old dragon will work harder, and the next day will depend on you!

(End of this chapter)

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