Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 434 Mysterious Disappearance

Chapter 434 Mysterious Disappearance
"Who are you, I haven't seen you in the dungeon, how can you take this felon out of the dungeon?"

The old man didn't take action directly, but questioned Brahma, because he underestimated Brahma, there were many traps in the dungeon, and there were several blood guards and a blood guard coach, he felt that Brahma's strength was not enough at all. It is possible to easily bring the poisonous dragon out of the dungeon, and there must be something hidden in it that he does not know.

"My lord, are you Ma Tianming?"

Brahma's eyes slid quickly, and such a name suddenly came to his mind. He had heard this name from Ma Jue before, and his strength was much higher than Ma Jue's. His intuition told him that the person in front of him might be Ma Tianming.

"You actually know me?" Ma Tianming lifted his long eyebrows slightly with his right hand, and looked at Brahma carefully, "Boy, who are you? Who told you to bring this felon out of the dungeon?"

"My lord, I am Lord Ma Defu's vice-team and his future successor." Brahma looked serious and his gaze was as firm as a rock. It would be great if he could fool Ma Tianming with words, so he would save his money. However, once he casts his blood madness, he will lose one more means of saving his life.

"Oh? Are you from Ma Defu?" Ma Tianming squinted his eyes, "Master Ma Defu knows about it and has seen it, but he has never heard him mention the existence of a deputy team like you, and you are also the future successor. "

"Reporting to my lord, the young one has only been favored by Lord Ma Defu in the past few days, and has become his vice-team and future successor."

"It's just a coincidence that the old man is not here these days." Ma Tianming asked, "You just said that Ma Defu asked you to take this felon out of the dungeon?"

"Yes, my lord."

Brahma nodded fiercely, "Master Ma Defu knows the importance of this felon, he is afraid that the felon's injury will be too serious and something will go wrong, so he asked me to take this felon out for treatment, and bring him back immediately after the injury recovers a little bit. Dungeon."

"I see"

Ma Tianming nodded slowly. Obviously, he already believed what Brahma said. There are many traps in the dungeon. It is impossible for Brahma to bring the poisonous dragon out alone. Moreover, even if Brahma knows the traps in the dungeon, there are still blood guards in the cell where the poisonous dragon is held. The blood guard coach is here, how can their existence allow Brahma to take the poisonous dragon out of the dungeon at will?
Coupled with the fact that Dulong was indeed dying at the moment, Ma Tianming seemed to have no reason to doubt for a while.

"My lord, if there is no other order, the little one will take this felon to be treated first."

"Go! Go early and come back early." Ma Tianming waved at Brahma.

Brahma pretended to be calm, and walked away slowly with the support of the poisonous dragon. He didn't dare to speed up, so as not to make the other party suspicious.

However, within a few steps, he felt a cool breeze coming from behind him, and his intuition told him that this was not a good omen.

At the same time, Ma Tianming's expression also underwent a huge change.

"No, there is a problem. This felon is powerful. Even if he is dying, there is no reason to remove the bracelet and anklet. Besides, since he is going to be taken out for medical treatment, there is no reason why Ma Defu didn't lead the team to escort him personally, but let a spearhead kid Escorted alone, there is definitely something tricky in it."

Ma Tianming is worthy of being an old Jianghu. After recovering from his senses, he immediately saw through the clues. He concluded that there was something wrong with this matter, and Brahma was even more suspected. He felt that the poisonous dragon was not brought out for treatment by Brahma's mouth. Forcibly rescued from the dungeon.


Ma Tianming blocked Brahma's way again, "My good boy, I almost got caught in your way. You are so courageous that you dare to deceive this old man?"

"My lord, I don't know what you're talking about, my little one?"

Brahma pretended to be ignorant, but secretly he was ready to fight. As long as the situation was not right, this battle was inevitable. Even if he was reluctant, he could only fight with Blood Madness.

"Still sophistry?"

Ma Tianming's eyes were obviously more murderous than before.

"He's a repeat offender. Even if you take him out for treatment, why don't you put a bracelet and anklet on him? Do you know that his strength is so strong that even I can't defeat him?"

"Ah?" Brahma pretended to exclaim, "He is so powerful, so am I in danger now? If his body recovers after giving him treatment, wouldn't I be dead?"

"Boy, keep pretending. Although I don't know exactly what method you used to bring this felon out of the dungeon, it is definitely not the Ma Defu you said that you brought him out to heal his wounds." Ma Tianming snorted coldly. , that sharp gaze seems to think that he has seen Brahma thoroughly, and Brahma has become a prey-like existence in his eyes, and it is impossible to escape if he is staring at him.

"Master Ma Defu really entrusted me to bring him out to heal his wounds." Brahma explained again, "There are many traps in the dungeon, and there are several very powerful adults guarding the repeat criminals. How could I force him out. My lord, you Let me take this felon first for treatment, in case something happens to him, I can't bear the responsibility."

"No hurry." Ma Tianming raised his right hand, "He won't die for a while, you keep saying that the old man wronged you, how about this, anyway, you are not far from the Mafu, let's go back first, and wait to find out the ins and outs of the whole thing After that, it’s not too late for you to take him for treatment.”

"It seems that this battle is still inevitable after all."

Brahma could see that Ma Tianming was determined to take him back to the Ma Mansion, he managed to bring the poisonous dragon out of the dungeon, and returning again would undoubtedly be sending sheep to the tiger's mouth, he was not that stupid.

"What, nothing to say?"

Ma Tianming's wrinkled old face sank, "Whether you are Ma Defu's deputy team or not, since you are trying to do something wrong, I will kill you first, and then I will question Ma Defu later."

"Old man, I didn't want to make a move. Why did you force me? Since you want to die, I will let you go." Just fight, maybe Ma Tianming has already been cleaned up and hidden with the poisonous dragon by now.

"Just relying on you brat? It's so shameless, this old man will tear your mouth apart."


Just as Brahma was about to unleash his blood madness, a sudden change occurred. The ground under his feet began to vibrate. In just a short moment, the magnitude of the vibration became more and more obvious.

"Not good, is there something about to come out of the ground?"

Brahma just wanted to leave the spot, but unexpectedly, his feet were empty, he couldn't use his feet to vacate naturally, his whole body sank into the ground, and the poisonous dragon fell into the ground with him.

After the two mysteriously disappeared, the ground returned to its original appearance, leaving only a stunned Ma Tianming, his eyes fixed on the place where Brahma and the poisonous dragon disappeared, without blinking for a long time.

 The fourth update is delivered, continue to ask for it, and there will be a fifth update in a while, fight it!
(End of this chapter)

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