Chapter 436

After leaving Chuzhou City, under the leadership of Fourteen Slaughter Generals, the three quickly headed towards the valley. Brahma, who was excited along the way, almost ran all the way even with the support of the poisonous dragon.

His actions are not difficult to understand. After all, what surrounds his heart during these days and makes him miss is undoubtedly the group of people under his hands, as well as Tang Yun and Dulong. Unexpectedly, he rescued the trapped poisonous dragon by accident.

"Young master, you will reach that valley after passing through the jungle in front of you." Fourteen Slaughter General's right hand is a little southwest. Following the direction he pointed, Brahma saw a bush, and all the vegetation was green and tall as far as the eye could see. Not only that, but the vegetation is very dense, and there is no sign of a large number of human activities.

"It's really remote here. No one seems to come here. How did you find that valley?" Brahma asked curiously. Was it somehow discovered by the group of people under him?

The fourteenth killing general smiled foolishly, his expression suddenly became a little weird, and then he hesitated and said, "Young master, in fact, this has a lot to do with me. You covered us to leave that night. In the eighth killing general Under the leadership of the leader, we fled Chuzhou City all the way overnight, but not long after leaving the gate of Chuzhou City, the martial spirit in my body suddenly awakened."

"The awakening of the martial soul is a good thing."

Brahma nodded slightly, but only for a moment, he was stunned, and then exclaimed, "You won't tell me that after the awakening of the martial soul, you sneaked around indiscriminately, and then accidentally hit that valley? "

"You can also say that." Fourteen Killing General nodded and said, "At the beginning, I just felt something abnormal in my body, but I didn't expect it to be the awakening of the martial soul. As a result, the whole person got into the ground inexplicably. At that time, I felt a little scared, and then I ran as hard as I could, trying to get out of the ground, but when I got out of the ground, I found myself in that valley."


Passing through the lush bushes, the three of them had just approached the valley when they were spotted by a watchman.

"Second Young Master, Fourteen Killers"

The man recognized two people, but he couldn't recognize the third person, that is, Brahma. Now Brahma's appearance has completely changed, and his hair is also black. It's normal not to recognize him.

Fourteen Killers didn't recognize Brahma before, if Brahma hadn't been with the poisonous dragon, if Brahma hadn't spoken first, how could Fourteen Killers have dared to recognize him?

"Wu Scar, this person is the Sixth Young Master, and this is the true face of the Sixth Young Master." The Fourteenth Slaughter General explained, "You continue to watch here, and I will bring the two young masters in. When others see the two The young master will be very happy."

Wu Ba nodded again and again. In fact, from the natural expression on Wu Ba's face when he learned of Brahma's identity, it was not difficult to see that Brahma's return really made them extremely happy.At the beginning, Brahma tried his best to protect them. As a subordinate, it is such an honor and pride to have such a master who can stand up at critical moments.

"Brother, I'm back."

Fourteen Killing Generals shouted together, the joy in their tone was fully revealed.

"Fourteen, what makes you so happy?"

The eighth killing will slowly walk out of a simple wooden house. When he saw the poisonous dragon, his expression suddenly changed, "Second young master."

Seeing the bloodstains all over Dulong's body, the Eighth Killer quickly stepped forward to help, but Brahma, who had been supporting Dulong at this moment, was ignored by him, and he only stayed for a second in the corner of his eye.


The Fourteenth Killing General secretly pointed his right hand at Brahma. Although he didn't make it clear, he was consciously giving hints to the Eighth Killing General.The Eighth Slaughter General fixed his eyes on Brahma again. He felt that Brahma gave him a feeling of deja vu, but what made him strange was that he didn't know the person in front of him.

"Ba Lao, long time no see!"

The corner of Brahma's mouth raised slightly, and the Eighth Slaughter General involuntarily took a few steps back, his face was filled with surprise, and he spoke intermittently after a long time, "You, you, you are six Little Lord?"

Brahma nodded in acknowledgment, and immediately took out the original human skin mask and put it on his face again. The next moment, the familiar Brahma of the eighth killer returned.

"Young master, it's really you!"

There are six young masters in Killing Gate including Brahma, but among these six young masters, the eighth Killing General has the most complicated feelings for Brahma, and the meanings are also fundamentally different. He has already actively followed Brahma, Brahma also agreed to this matter. In addition to the superior-subordinate relationship, there is an additional layer of master-servant relationship between them.

"Like a fake replacement!"

Seeing that the group of people under him were safe and sound, Brahma was naturally happy, with a smile on his face, "Ba Lao, have you been in this valley all these days?"

"Except for hunting some daily-needed animals, we never leave here most of the time." The eighth killer still couldn't hide the surprise on his face. He has been thinking about Brahma all the time these days, and now Brahma is safe. After returning, his high-hanging heart finally calmed down.

"It's the young master, the young master is back."

Brahma put on a human skin mask and returned to his familiar face. At this time, almost everyone gathered together, each face was filled with joy, and when they looked at Brahma's eyes, they all felt more admiration , Adoration.

In the battle that night, if Brahma hadn't bought time for them by himself at the critical moment, it is still unknown whether they would have survived, let alone leave safely.

Brahma quickly swept across everyone present with a smile on his face, and then returned his gaze to the eighth killer, "Eight Elder, Second Senior Brother is seriously injured, do you have healing medicine here?"


The eighth general nodded sharply, and immediately waved at the thirteenth general, "Thirteen, you take the second young master to heal your wounds."

"Got it, starling!"

Thirteen Killing General nodded in agreement, stepped forward quickly, took the poisonous dragon from Brahma, supported the poisonous dragon and left.

"Young master, can you speak a little closer?"

The eighth killing will suddenly approach Brahma, and his behavior becomes a little weird.


After a short hesitation, the two walked away from the crowd.

"Ba Lao, what is it that is so mysterious?"

Brahma was quite curious, but when he asked like this, the response given to him by the eighth killing general was silence.

After a long time, he barely opened his mouth.

"Young master, I don't know what to say about this matter, but I think it is necessary to let you know about this matter, the young master. It is about the arrest of the second young master."

(End of this chapter)

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