Chapter 437

Brahma naturally knew about Dulong being arrested. He rescued everyone, but he was very confused about how he was caught. He also asked Dulong after he left the Ma Mansion, but he didn't even know about Dulong. He could only vaguely remember being attacked from behind, and then lost consciousness. When he woke up, he found that he was already in the dungeon.

"Could it be that you know the reason?" If that's the case, Brahma really couldn't wait. During the time he was lurking in Ma Mansion, Ma Tianming should be the strongest, but Brahma thinks that the person who attacked the poisonous dragon shouldn't be Ma Tianming. dawn.

The reason is very simple. At that time, all the blood guard coaches had already participated in the battle. Ma Tianming's strength was definitely the best among the blood guard coaches, so there was no reason for him to hide until the last moment and sneak attack Dulong.

Furthermore, Ma Tianming's strength is not bad, but he is still the coach of the blood guard after all. One-on-one alone, it is still impossible to be the opponent of Dulong. , so Ma Tianming should not have the strength to get close to the poisonous dragon without being discovered, and even subdue the poisonous dragon as soon as he makes a move.

"Young Master, this matter has something to do with the Fourteenth." The Eighth Slaughter General said, "That night, Young Master, you disregarded your own safety and bought us precious time. After leaving the Ma Mansion, we quickly evacuated Chuzhou City. "

Brahma listened very carefully, and nodded silently, "I know this, the Fourteen Killers on the road have mentioned this matter to me before, and his martial soul was also awakened at that time."

"The young master is right. Fourteen's martial soul was awakened by accident at that time, and it was because of his martial soul that I let him sneak back to Mafu again." The eighth killing general Taking a deep breath, "It's a pity that when he sneaked back to the Ma Mansion, you were nowhere to be seen, but he saw an astonishing scene."

"Ba Lao, do you mean that the fourteen killing generals saw the poisonous dragon being caught? And he also saw clearly the person who attacked the poisonous dragon?"

The eighth killer nodded first, but then shook his head strangely, which made Brahma feel a little dull for a moment.

"He nodded and shook his head, did he see it or didn't see it?" Brahma asked.

"Young Master, Fourteen did see the scene where the Second Young Master was knocked unconscious, but he didn't see clearly the face of the person you shot, because the person who shot happened to have his back turned to Fourteen."

"Isn't that equivalent to talking for nothing?"

After hearing the words of the Eighth Slaughter General, Brahma seemed a little lost, and now he wanted to find out the identity of the person who attacked the poisonous dragon.It wasn't the head of the Blood Guard, nor could it be the Blood Guard King. After all, there was only one Blood Guard King, and Tang Yun had already lured him away. His intuition told him that the person who attacked the poisonous dragon was most likely the one who betrayed them. He suspected that it might be Luo Xuyun.

It's just that all of these are his assumptions. If Fourteen Kills will see the other party's face, he will confirm that the other party's identity is Luo Xuyun.Then with Fourteen Killing General as the witness, Luo Xuyun might not be able to blame him even if he wanted to.

"Young master, please listen to me first."

The eighth killing will continue to speak, but the application has become more and more serious, "Although Fourteen can't see the face of the other party clearly, he can also see the back of the other party. This back view makes him feel similar."

"Is that Luo Xuyun?" Brahma's immediate reaction was that the words Luo Xuyun blurted out, without even adding the words Fourth Senior Brother.

"Not the Fourth Young Master."


The Eighth Slaughter General immediately denied Brahma's suspicion, which made Brahma very confused, his two eyebrows were almost connected in a straight line, and at the same time he muttered in his heart, "It's not Luo Xuyun, who is the person who attacked the poisonous dragon?" Who? Could it be that I guessed wrong at the beginning, the person who attacked the poisonous dragon was also a member of the Ma family, not the one who betrayed him behind the scenes?"

"It's the young master!"

Just as Brahma was pondering and wondering, the short four words of Eighth Killing hit him directly on the head like an iron rod, making him dizzy and unable to recover for a while.

"Ba Lao, did I hear you wrong? You just said my senior brother Murong Bai?"

"Young master, you heard correctly, the subordinate is indeed referring to the young master."

The eighth killing will be repeated again. In fact, it's not that Brahma didn't hear clearly. With his strength, he can hear even the tiniest voice clearly. He just doesn't want to believe it.

"Ba Lao, are you sure?" Brahma asked the other party again with a solemn expression.

"Young master, how dare I talk nonsense about such a big matter." The eighth slaughter general said, "After Fourteen came back, I told my subordinates about it. At the beginning, my subordinates were also very shocked, and wondered if Fourteen had admitted his mistake. It was just a back view."

"That's right, that's just a back view. You can't rashly conclude that that person is my senior brother Murong Bai just based on a back view."

"But..." The eighth killing will hesitate again, several times when the words came to his lips, he shrank back abruptly, as if he wanted to say but dared not.

"Ba Lao, there are no outsiders here, if you have something in your heart, you might as well speak it out."

"Young master, then this subordinate will speak bluntly." The eighth killing general said, "Other people might be mistaken, but Fourteen has followed the young master to perform missions in the early years, and he has been in contact with him for three full years. Left and right, I know the figure of the young master very well, including the back view, etc., so..."

"What? There is such a thing." Brahma exclaimed together, and his face changed again. As the eighth killer said, the fourteenth killer stayed by Murong Bai's side for three years. People are more familiar with Murong Bai, so even if it is a back view, the chance of admitting a mistake is almost negligible.

"So the person who came to attack the second senior brother turned out to be the senior senior brother?"

Brahma sighed long and hard. The change of the situation made the already difficult task even more complicated and confusing.If Murong Bai was the one behind the trick, why did he do this?There is absolutely no benefit for Murong Bai if the task cannot be completed, Brahma knows this well, so he never doubted Murong Bai, when the world accidentally suspected Murong Bai, Brahma even got angry on the spot.

"Young master, the matter is very important. Apart from Fourteen and his subordinates, you are the third person who knows about this, young master. I didn't even reveal a word to Thirteen."

"You handled this matter well, now you go back first, I have something to deal with."

Brahma greeted the Eighth Killer and left quickly. The seriousness of the situation was far beyond his control. At present, he must leave the Ma family's sphere of influence as soon as possible.

"It's been so long, I don't know if they are still there."

Brahma left alone to find those speed eagles and the speed eagle king, but when he came to the area where he was separated from the speed eagle, there was no trace of the half speed eagle.

"Senior, can you do me a favor and check to see if those speed eagles are nearby?"

In desperation, Brahma had no choice but to turn to the god-level dragon master in his body for help. The other party's consciousness was swept away, and it was clear at a glance whether there was or was not nearby.

"Little brother, it's in the southeast, but it seems that someone is rounding them up."

(End of this chapter)

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