Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 439 Temporary Choice

Chapter 439 Temporary Choice
Brahma killed another person again, but it wasn't the elder brother who voluntarily stayed behind to die, but the woman Yihong.The reason why he did this naturally has his reasons. No one wants to die. Since the other party can rather die in exchange for other people's lives, there is only one possibility under this premise. Yihong's identity is relatively high in Hu Liezong It is special, and it is very likely that there is a high-level existence of Hu Liezong behind it.

Brahma's mission on this trip was to destroy the Ma family, but there were too many variables. Even his elder brother Murong Bai may have been implicated and became his potential enemy. He was missing, and in this situation, he couldn't destroy the Ma family at all.

But he can't give up the task, at least he won't give up until the end of the mountain. The formal means of destroying the Ma family will not work, and there is only another way to advance. The current Hu Liezong is the best spear.

The overall power of the Hu Liezong is definitely not weaker than that of the Ma family, and due to Brahma's previous actions, he has already lost a lot of talents. As long as he can provoke Hu Liezong to fight the Ma family, the Ma family will definitely lose.

He first claimed to be from the Ma family, then shot and killed several people from the other party, and even the special Yihong was not spared in the end. All this was to provoke conflict between the two forces.

"What a Ma family, what a master, it turns out that the masters of the Ma family are so dishonest."

Yihong died, and Yihong's elder brother became the last person, and he was also the one who could leave alive, but at this moment he couldn't be happy at all.Yihong died, and his ending after returning to Hu Liezong must be extremely miserable. It is still unknown whether he can survive his death in the end.

"Joke, how can the old man allow you to judge things, get out of here, get out before the old man changes his mind, go back and tell the upper echelons of Hu Liezong, so that they don't step into our Ma family in the future In the territory, if you come one to kill one, come two to kill one pair, regardless of your status in Hu Liezong, you will be treated equally."

"Okay, I will definitely bring your words with me."

Yihong's elder brother gritted his teeth, but right now he could only swallow his anger, "I have an unfeeling request, you killed so many of us, can you tell me your name, so that I Go back and report, and let me know who killed this group of brothers."

"This old man doesn't change his name when he walks, but he doesn't change his surname when he sits. Ma Tianming of the Ma family is the same. The old man killed him. You can report the truth when you go back." Brahma casually reported the name Ma Tianming, at least so far he knows the name and has good strength. It seems that Ma Tianming is the only master of the Ma family. Poor Ma Tianming has been blamed for this for no reason, and finally caused his death.

"Ma Tianming, Ma Tianming"

Yihong's elder brother muttered to himself, "I will remember this, and I will leave!"

After turning around, he left quickly. After a long time, Brahma appeared, looked at the place where the other party disappeared and smiled slightly, "This person is really good, it's a pity that I treat him like a pawn."

At least for the time being, Yihong's elder brother is more interested in Brahma, but it's a pity that the way is different and he doesn't conspire with each other, otherwise he wouldn't mind becoming friends with him.


As soon as Brahma approached those speed eagles, the speed eagle king made a low voice. Obviously, after so many days, he still recognized Brahma.It's just that at this moment, these speed eagles, including the speed eagle king, are all lying on the ground in a mess. Brahma speculates that this situation is very likely because these speed eagles have been poisoned with a drug similar to ecstasy, causing them to temporarily lose their power. Mobility.As for the possibility of poison, it was completely ruled out by Brahma. The purpose of those people was to capture falcons rather than hunt them.

"That's right, thank you for remembering me."

Brahma jumped up and landed on the back of the Speed ​​Eagle King, and then slowly crawled on the whole body, stroking the feathers on the back of the Speed ​​Eagle King slightly with his right hand, "Good guy, I haven't seen you for a while, you seem to be growing up again Quite a lot. You are just drugged, and you will recover after a while, so don’t worry.”

Brahma communicated with the Speed ​​Eagle King, and he left alone after the medicine expired and the Speed ​​Eagles regained their ability to move.He already has another plan in his heart, and the plan has already started, what he has to do now is to continue to complete the rest of the plan, and try to make the whole plan go smoothly, and eventually the Ma family can be destroyed.

"Young master, did you just fight with someone?"

As soon as Brahma returned to the valley, the Eighth Slaughter General had a serious expression on his face, and this opening made Brahma a little blindfolded, he just threw a few stones, so can he be found?

"It can be regarded as hands-on"

Brahma nodded, "But I'm curious, how did you find out that I was fighting with people? You must know that I didn't have physical contact with the other party. I just used a few stones as tools to kill a few people."

The eighth kill will not respond positively, but just tapped Brahma's shoe with his right hand.Brahma raised his foot and looked at it, and immediately smiled foolishly. He finally understood why the eighth killing would know that he had made a move with someone, and after a long time, it turned out that the shoes on his feet had betrayed him, and the soles of the shoes were just stained with blood.

The Eighth Killer, as a battle-tested Killer, couldn't be more clear about the breath of human blood, so he could instantly tell that Brahma's feet were stained with human blood.

"There were a few speed eagles who didn't have long eyes and wanted to touch me, but I solved them all."

Brahma didn't intend to conceal everything that happened before. The eighth killing will be the person he can trust the most so far, but it's not the best time to tell the other party so far, because he is not sure yet Is there any traitor among the group of people brought out from the Slaughter Gate? If so, they must be found out as soon as possible.

"Those Speedhawks?"

Speaking of Speed ​​Eagles, for some reason the Eighth Slaughter General's expression was extremely strange, with a touch of helpless bitterness on his face, "Young Master, my subordinates also intentionally contacted those Speed ​​Eagles before, but it's a pity that they didn't recognize me."

"Just accept me." Brahma smiled faintly, "Ba Lao, go and gather everyone, I have something to announce."

"Okay." The eighth general nodded but couldn't turn away, and didn't ask the reason at all. This was something Brahma appreciated and agreed with.

After a quarter of an hour or so, everyone gathered together, including those who had gone out to hunt for food and returned.

Brahma quickly glanced at the people in front of him. When he brought out 25 people including the three killing generals, now there are only 20 people left, and five of them have died. The five who simply died were all from the Nether Tower. People, the strength can be regarded as the lowest ones, and they can be regarded as a blessing in misfortune.

"Everyone, to make a long story short, I will give you two choices, one is to return to the Killing Gate, and the other is to follow me."

(End of this chapter)

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