Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 440 Recruiting talents

Chapter 440 Recruiting talents
Brahma made a bold decision in his heart, and it was also a decision of last resort. If the person that the fourteenth killing will see is really Murong Bai, then there will be a certain risk for him to return to the killing gate, unless he can complete the task of destroying the Ma family. task, otherwise he would never go back hastily.

His move is not just not returning to the Slaughter Gate temporarily, it is very likely that he will never return, and the group of people in front of him are all brought out from the Slaughter Gate, including the three Slaughter Generals, Brahma cannot control them. The decision of others, the other party has the power to choose.

"Young master, what do you mean?"

The eighth killing will have the biggest reaction, because he is one of the few people who knows about Murong Bai, and he also guessed that Brahma probably took this into consideration when making this decision.

"It's not interesting." Brahma shrugged. "Our mission this time is to destroy the Ma family, but now this mission has become dangerous. If you want to quit, I can let you go back now. If you want to stay Those who follow me are naturally very welcome."

The three killers did not express their views, but it is not difficult to see from the eyes of the three of them that they are definitely following Brahma.Furthermore, as the Slaughter General of the Slaughter Gate, it is definitely not their style to retreat before completing the task.

"I stayed!"

A voice sounded quickly, seeing this person, Brahma was not too surprised, when Liu Hudong faced the sacred tree, he could rush over desperately, as Brahma's first follower, if he didn't open his mouth, then he would Take Brahma by surprise.

"I stay too"

Immediately afterwards, the second voice rang out quickly. This person was Mo Feng. He had a pretty good relationship with Brahma, and he did not surprise Brahma by choosing to stay.

Brahma nodded slightly at Mo Feng. Compared with when he first met Mo Feng in the Nether Tower, Mo Feng's strength has improved a lot now, and he has reached the realm of a two-star Martial King. As long as he goes back, he can 100% Become an official disciple of the Killers.

"Count me in"

Afterwards, many people spoke one after another, but except for the three killers, the remaining 17 people were not 100% determined to stay.At least three expressed their attitude on the spot, wanting to return to the Slaughter Gate, while the other two were a little hesitant, obviously still unable to decide whether to choose to stay or return to the Slaughter Gate.

"You five are really not men!"

Before Brahma opened his mouth, Liu Hudong yelled at the five of them together, his eyes were full of anger, "You should be very clear about how the young master behaves, the young master stepped forward that night, and he did not hesitate to risk his life to give We are stalling for time, you feel your conscience and ask, is it worthy of your conscience to choose to retreat and quit at this time?"

"well said!"

Mo Feng also quickly echoed, "If it weren't for the young master that night, the five of you would have been decapitated long ago. You are really ungrateful people."

Brahma remained silent all the time, but his sharp gaze never stopped, walking back and forth on everyone, to see if he could find any clues, who reacted suspiciously, and so on.

In the end, among the five people, only one who was vacillating before chose to stay, and the other four were still determined to choose to return to the Slaughter Gate.

People have their own aspirations, and if they want to leave, Brahma can't force them to stay, and even if such people stay by their side, they won't be of much help, and they will most likely run away if they encounter a life-or-death situation.

"Since everyone has made a decision, then what should go, what should stay." Brahma nodded at the eighth killing general, "Balao, please take a walk and send them back to the killing gate, I will Arrange a speed eagle for you..."

"The task has not been completed yet, I don't want to go back with this old face."

The eighth killing will openly violate Brahma for the first time in history, "If they want to go back, they can go back by themselves. They know the way anyway, and I don't need to send those who have hands and feet."

He was naturally a little angry. As a member of the killing gate, Brahma would never follow him. In this short period of time, he even secretly did ideological work for the thirteen and fourteen killing generals. Although people didn't verbally agree, but the eighth killing will see that the two of them are not disgusted with this matter.

Those four people dared not linger any longer when they saw the attitude of the eighth killing general, they left in despair the first time.Among the same disciples of the Slaughter Gate, their identities may not be the lowest, but compared with the Slaughter General, the gap is still very obvious, and the Slaughter General has the power of life and death over them.

"These people are horrible"

Liu Hudong chattered for a while, as if he was arguing for Brahma, and the rest of the people also agreed.

"Okay, everything that needs to go is gone. Now I will give you another chance to choose, who among you is willing to be my follower."

Brahma spoke again, but this time, everyone present, including the three killers, had an astonishing change in their expressions.

Except for the eighth killing general and Liu Hudong, the relationship between these people present and Brahma is just that of a superior and a subordinate, that's all.

As for these people in front of him, Brahma really wanted to take them for his own use. During this period of time, he understood a truth. Now I want to build a force with my own hands.

If these people in front of them are willing, that is the prototype of the power he built, plus the three killer generals and the four masters of the poisonous dragon, these people alone are enough to rival the general power.

"I do"

Mo Feng was the first to stand up, followed by Liu Hudong. He was already a follower of Brahma. At this time, he stood up more to play a leading role. Two killers.

"Young master, 14 and I are willing to be your followers."

As soon as Thirteen Slaughter said this, almost all the remaining people expressed their opinions one after another. The reason why they chose to stay, apart from the unyielding energy in their bones, was more admiration for Brahma's character. How many people can stand up for a group of subordinates at a critical moment regardless of their lives?

Fan Tianming was waiting for everyone's reaction, while An was constantly observing the reaction of everyone present, and finally he initially locked on the three people, because the expressions and reactions of the three people were a little weird, which made people suspicious.

"It seems that the spy is very likely to be one of these three people. Now that we have an idea, it will be much easier to handle this matter. If we try a few more times, we will definitely find the spy."

Brahma's eyes slid quickly, and in an instant, a bright light flashed in front of his eyes, and then the corners of his mouth raised slightly, as if he had thought of a perfect temptation strategy.

(End of this chapter)

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