Chapter 445
Brahma refused on the spot, and the Eighth Killer didn't say anything, but he undoubtedly had a lot of feelings in his heart, and at the same time, there was some complicated look in the eyes looking at Brahma.

In theory, he, like the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Slaughter Generals, was sent by the head of the Slaughter Sect to assist Brahma in completing the task of destroying the Ma family.It's just that in the process of performing tasks and getting along with each other, his impression of Brahma changed again and again, until he voluntarily asked to follow Brahma and became a follower of Brahma.

Although the 14th and [-]th Killers also expressed their willingness to follow Brahma and become Brahma's followers, but in Brahma's view, there is still a difference between the two. At least so far, he is completely satisfied with the eighth Killer. Trust, but the Thirteenth and Fourteenth Killers have not yet reached that point.

"The young master trusts me so much, I, He Gang, swear to the sky, no matter whether it is going up the mountain of swords or going down into the sea of ​​fire, no matter whether the situation is dangerous or not, as long as the young master orders me, even if it takes my life, I will never be embarrassed." Raise your eyebrows."

The eighth killing will secretly swear in his heart. Although Brahma did not explain it, he knows in his heart that so far, he is the person Brahma trusts the most. Dulong became the first, because Dulong has the way to swear to the sky, and he Without such an oath, Brahma still trusts him so much, how can he not be moved?

"Eight elders, look at your expression. Tears are still shining in your eyes at a very old age. You are too."

"Young master, I just got sand in my eyes, rub it and it will be fine." The eighth killer smiled foolishly, and quickly raised his right hand to wipe his eyes.

"Okay, you can rest first, we will set off at dawn tomorrow, I will go to the Fourteen Killers now, I have something to let him do."

Brahma explained to the Eighth Slaughter General and left quickly. When he left the cabin of the Eighth Slaughter General, he suddenly stopped, turned his head and glanced at the cabin, and the corners of his mouth curled up, showing a touch of A faint smile.

After finding the Fourteen Killers, Brahma handed a piece of paper to the other party, and after a few words, he turned and left. He found a sunny lawn, closed his eyes and enjoyed the sunshine and the breeze. At this moment, He finally had a chance to relax completely.

Fengyue Tower

In the secret room, four women were whispering, and the ones who talked the most were undoubtedly Tianxia and Wushuang.

"Sister Wushuang, the news I received earlier should be correct. Someone rescued a person from the Mafu dungeon. It is estimated that this person should be Master Brahma, and only he has the ability to rescue people from the Mafu dungeon."

Wushuang nodded in acquiescence to the world's statement, "I agree with your point of view, and I also think that person should be Master Brahma. Now that the people of the Ma family have closed the city gate, the whole city is searching for the whereabouts of Master Brahma. Where is he hiding, do you think he has already left Chuzhou City?"

The world didn't respond, his two slender eyebrows were slightly frowned, he moved his steps, and kept pacing back and forth, before he opened his mouth slowly, "Sister Wushuang, I think there are two possibilities, you might as well analyze whether what I said is reasonable or not The first is that the young master was discovered when he was saving people, and his identity was exposed, and he was afraid of implicating us in Fengyuelou, so he didn't come here for the time being. The second is that the young master may have found the group of people under him, And after saving people, he and the group of people under him have already left Chuzhou City before the city gate was closed."

"Under Heaven, I didn't expect you to be careless at ordinary times, and you are quite clear-headed at critical moments." Wushuang said, "Your analysis just now is indeed very reasonable. Up to now, the people of the Ma family are still searching for the young master in the whole city, which shows that the young master Definitely alive, there's no doubt about that, it's just not clear if he's in hiding or out of town."

"What sound? It seems to be coming from the kitchen. Could it be that people from the Ma family broke into the kitchen? Didn't they come here once before?"

While the two sisters were discussing, there was a commotion from the direction of the kitchen.

"You wait here, I'll go out for a while."

Wushuang carefully left the secret room. When she came to the kitchen, she saw a man who seemed to be arguing with the chef.

"What's going on, who are you?"

Wushuang stepped forward quickly, and her intuition told her that the man in front of her might not be from the Ma family.

"Are you Tian Tian or Wushuang?"

This man is naturally the Fourteen Slaughter Generals, entrusted by Brahma.


Wushuang said two words lightly, and looked straight at Fourteen Slayers, "Who are you?"

"It doesn't matter who I am, I'm just an errand, my young master asked me to give this to you." Fourteen Killing handed the note that Brahma gave him to Wushou, and then said goodbye. Turned around and left.

Wushuang looked at the back of Fourteen Killing General who was gradually going away, and suddenly his whole body trembled slightly, and he muttered in his heart, "Young Master? Could it be Master Brahma?"

Wushuang turned around quietly, and on the way back to the secret room, she opened the note. There were not many words on it, but these few words caused a huge change in Wushuang's expression, and an inexplicable anger appeared on her face.

"Sister Wushuang, who made you angry?"

After Wu Shuang entered the secret room, the obvious gap between the front and the back naturally attracted the attention of the world.

"look by youself"

Wushuang handed the note in his hand to Tianxia, ​​and after Tianxia read the contents of the note in his hand, his expression became almost exactly the same as Wushuang.

"I'm so pissed off, how can he leave as soon as he says it?" Tian Tian stomped his feet in anger.

"World, I've decided, where I want to go!" Wushuang looked solemn, but the place she said inspired the other three people.

"Sister Wushuang, have you thought it over clearly, where are you really going?" Tianxia asked.

"Yes, I have to go. Anyway, Ma Hui is dead, and the vengeance will be avenged. Even if I die there, I will not regret it, but if I can come out of there alive, then my strength will have a qualitative leap. At that time, I will definitely You can be by the young master's side and solve his problems."

"Okay, I'll go too!" Xia Tianyi exclaimed in agreement, "Anyway, our lives already belong to the young master, even if we die in that place, it proves that we really worked hard."

After Fourteen Killing General left Fengyue Tower, he went to Ma Mansion without anyone noticing. After completing the second task assigned to him by Brahma, he returned to the valley without stopping.

"Have you finished what I told you?" Brahma asked.

"Young master, it's done." General Fourteen Slaughter nodded and said, "I've handed over the note to Miss Wushuang, and I've already found out the news you asked me to inquire about, but..."

"Just what, say it!" Brahma urged.

"Master, Ma Defu is dead."

"What? Dead?"

Brahma exclaimed, and then slowly closed his eyes, his face could not hide the sorrowful look. Although Ma Defu was a member of the Ma family, he was kind to him and even helped him escape from the Ma mansion. But it cost him his life.

"Who killed it?" Brahma asked.

"Young master, it's Ma Tianming!"

As soon as Ma Tianming came out, Brahma suddenly opened his eyes. The eyes at this moment were extremely terrifying, as if they didn't look like human eyes, but looked like a ferocious beast, and the eyes were completely full of murderous aura.

"Ma Tianming, Ma Tianming, I, Brahma, swear to the sky that I will not be a human being unless I kill you."

Fourteen Killing will be a little puzzled. He doesn't know who Ma Defu is, but he guesses it should be from the Ma family. What puzzles him is that the Ma family is dead. Why does Brahma look so sad?
next morning
After a day's rest, everyone was full of energy. Under the leadership of Brahma, a group of people took off on the Speed ​​Eagle and looked down at the location of Ma Mansion below. The sharp murderous look in Brahma's eyes appeared again, "Ma Tianming, you When I meet again, I will take your dog's life."

(End of this chapter)

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