Nine Tailed Brahma

Chapter 446 Trading Markets

Chapter 446 Trading Markets
Brahma and his party left Chuzhou City in the flying beast Speed ​​Eagle, and the destination of this trip was known only to Dulong and the Eighth Killer besides himself.

Sitting on the back of the speed eagle and soaring in the sky, the cool breeze blows in your face, and sometimes you can look down and enjoy the scenery along the road, which is not a bad feeling.However, compared to other people, Brahma's expression along the way seemed very staid, with a straight face almost the whole time, sitting cross-legged on the back of Speed ​​Eagle King with his legs crossed, with a thoughtful expression.

"I don't know what plans the young master will have next?"

The poisonous dragon and the eighth killing will be arranged by Brahma on a speed eagle, and this speed eagle is only behind Brahma's speed eagle king, and the two can't help whispering as they look at Brahma's back.

Dulong has become a follower of Brahma, and the Eighth Killer obviously knows this, and Dulong also knows that the Eighth Killer will win Brahma's trust. That is, left and right hands.

"The destination of our trip is Yuanzhou, which is not far from Ma Dong. It is the territory of Hu Liezong. Since the young master intends to take us to Hu Liezong's territory, I am afraid he wants to use the power of Hu Liezong to deal with it. Ma family."

"That's right, it's very possible." Poison Dragon echoed, "As far as I know, the overall strength of the Hu Lie Sect is comparable to that of the Ma family, but now that the Ma family has lost so many talents, the overall strength may not necessarily be that of the Hu Lie sect. Zong's opponent, if the young master can successfully provoke these two forces to fight each other, it is estimated that the Ma family will be wiped out sooner or later."

The Eighth Slaughter General nodded slowly, "Second Young Master, your analysis is correct, but as far as I know, there is no conflict between the Hu Liezong and the Ma family, and because the two forces are not far apart, there are even some conflicts." In terms of business dealings, it is really not an easy task for the Hu Liezong and the Ma family to make a big deal in this situation, but I believe the young master can do it."

"I also believe that he can do it." Dulong smiled lightly, and immediately shifted his gaze from Brahma to the eighth killer, "Ba Lao, now you and I are both followers of the young master, and you don't have to do it in the future." Call me young master again, it feels a bit awkward, you can also call me poisonous dragon."

"This..." After a brief hesitation, the Eighth Killer will nod silently, "Well, from now on, if there are other people in public places, I will still respectfully call you Second Young Master, and if there are no others, then I will call you Poison Dragon. "

The distance between Yuanzhou and Madong is not very far, and the flying speed of Suying is very fast. In less than a day, Brahma and his party arrived at Yuanzhou and landed in a forest outside Fengyu City of Yuanzhou. .

"Young master, Fengyu City is not far ahead. Entering Fengyu City is the land of Yuanzhou, which is the territory of Hu Liezong." Europe, so I am somewhat familiar with this place.

After a detailed explanation by the Eighth Slaughter General, Brahma also roughly learned some information. The territory controlled by Hu Liezong is collectively called Yuanzhou, and there are six cities in Yuanzhou, and these six cities are all owned by Hu Liezong. Controlled by the top.

And almost all other large and small forces in these six cities are more or less related to Hu Liezong. It is no exaggeration to say that there is Hu Liezong in the entire Yuanzhou territory, and the others are all related. It is his subsidiary, which is a little different from the Ma family.

"It seems that the Hu Liezong is much smarter than the Ma family. The Ma family is just too conceited." Brahma snorted coldly. Although the Ma family ruled the entire Ma family on the surface, there are still countless small forces inside. , many of these forces have nothing to do with the Ma family, and even have hatred, but the conceited Ma family has acquiesced in their existence.

This is not comparable to the Hu Liezong. It is its territory, so it is the only one. All the big and small forces in the six major cities are controlled by its people. That is the true sense of dominance. It is an act of unification.

"Let's go, first enter Fengyu City to find a place to stay."

Under the leadership of Brahma, a group of people entered Fengyu City in batches. At first, Brahma thought that strangers would be hindered from entering Fengyu City. Unexpectedly, it went so smoothly. Several guards guarding the city gate did not even stop them. I just looked at them and watched them walk into Fengyu City.

"Does the young master feel very surprised?" The eighth killing general smiled mysteriously, "Actually, this is not difficult to understand. After entering Yuanzhou, no matter which of the six cities it is, it is all the territory of Hu Liezong , everyone knows this, and every city and every force is related to Hu Liezong, who will come here to make trouble? Behind any force is Hu Liezong, the giant, and outsiders will not mess with it at all. Sorry."

"So that's it!" Brahma nodded and laughed, "So they opened the city gates for people to come in and out at will. To put it bluntly, they are not afraid of outsiders making trouble. They are quite bold."

"Young master, you may not know something. Not afraid of outsiders making trouble is just one of them." The eighth killing general said, "This is also a factor that attracts talents. The door is open, and capable people are welcome at any time. Over the years, Hu Liezong secretly However, a lot of talents have been recruited. Besides, Hu Liezong's site is still recognized as a bustling business district, because anyone can come and go here, and no one dares to make trouble. I don't know when it started. A large trading market has been formed."

"Large trading market?"

"That's right." The eighth general nodded and said, "Not only people from the six cities, but also people from other forces will come here to do business, and even people from Kyushu and even Lin Kun will occasionally see .”

"Even people from Kyushu and Lin Kun will come?" Brahma's eyebrows sank, and his eyes rolled quickly, "So, people from the Ma family will naturally come here to do business?"

"Naturally," the eighth kill nodded and said, "The Ma family is one of the three factions that are closer to the Hu Liezong. According to my subordinates, there are still many people from the Ma family who come to the Hu Liezong's territory to do business. Among them are some people of high status."

As soon as the Eighth Slaughter General finished speaking, the corners of Brahma's mouth lifted, and a strange smile emerged.

"Since people from the Ma family will come to the Hu Liezong's territory to do business, then this matter will be much easier to handle. At that time, as long as I secretly provoke and cause trouble, I don't believe there is no chance for these two forces to fight. No, it's not two strands, I want the Ma family to be targeted by other forces, and then I'll see if your Ma family can survive."

(End of this chapter)

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