Chapter 447
Brahma was a little surprised that there was such a huge trading market in the Hulie Sect, and it was crowded with people. However, what he cares most about at the moment is not these, but the people of the Ma family, including the upper class. He will also come here, so that he can play tricks in the dark.

Previously, he was worried that he couldn't find a chance to provoke him along the way, but now a good opportunity comes to his door by himself, it depends on how Brahma grasps it.

"Ba Lao, let's find a place to live first, and then go to the trading market you mentioned." Brahma asked, "By the way, that trading market is in Fengyu City?"

"Young master, this subordinate came here ten years ago. The trading market is not in Fengyu City, but another city near Fengyu City, Huayuan City, just..."

For some reason, the eighth killing will suddenly hesitate, which makes Brahma a little puzzled, "Ba Lao, why are you so hesitant, is there something hidden?"

"It's not a secret." The eighth killer said, "This trading market is only opened at the end of each month, but the subordinates don't know if the rules have changed now, after all, it was all ten years ago. "

"Well, I see." Fantian nodded and promised, "The rules should not be changed easily. It is still the middle ten days, and there are still seven days before the end of the ten days. We will settle in Fengyu City first, and then wait for the opportunity to move. If the time changes , I’m afraid we will know immediately, and it won’t be too late to go to Huayuan City.”

There are nearly twenty people under Brahma, and they are all good players. If they all gather together, it will inevitably attract attention.Although anyone in the six major cities of Hu Liezong can enter and leave at will, Brahma absolutely believes that Hu Liezong must be watching every move in secret. Once there are more prominent figures, such as Brahma and his group, they will inevitably gather together. Being targeted by the people of Hu Liezong, it would be difficult for him to make small moves in the dark, which is naturally not what he wants to see.

Therefore, he divided these people into three groups, one led by him and the eighth killer, one led by the poisonous dragon, and the other group led by the thirteenth and 14th killers, who chose to live in a store and buy a house respectively. .

Brahma and the Eighth Slaughter General brought a small group of people to an inn. Although Fengyu City is not a trading market place, there are quite a lot of people coming and going, so six or seven people entering the inn together did not arouse suspicion.

After everyone settled down, Brahma, the Eighth Killer General, and Liu Hudong left the inn. From the Eighth Killer General, Brahma learned that although Fengyu City is not a trading market, there are many shops here, and it is still a long-term business. The shops they run sell weapons, pills and even martial arts, but they are just ordinary goods. As for those high-end good goods, they naturally choose to trade them after the opening of the Huayuan City Trading Market, and then they will sell a lot. A good price, perhaps in exchange for what you need.

"Balao, will there be Huanyang Pill in the Huayuan City Trading Market?"

Brahma suddenly thought of this. Since such a large trading market involves people from within the three continents, and there are still some masters, it may not be certain that there will be Huanyang Dan.

"Young master, this subordinate doesn't know about it." The Eighth Slaughter General shook his head slightly, "The subordinate only knows that after the trading market opens, countless people will pour in, and all kinds of things will appear. Maybe young master The Huanyang Pill mentioned in the mouth may appear, but even if this Huanyang Pill appears, I am afraid it will be a sky-high price."

"That's right!" Brahma smiled foolishly, and then fell silent. Just as the eighth killer said, even if it appears in the trading market, the return of Yangdan and even rare treasures will be expensive. In other words, he has no ability to buy at all, and there is no equivalent item exchange, which really makes him a little headache.

"Hey" Brahma sighed heavily, "The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge, if the Huanyang Pill really appears, it will be regarded as a robbery, and I will also grab it."

Brahma has secretly made up his mind that if the Yangyang Pill really appears, he will definitely not do anything.

"This is what I fancy first, why do you snatch it from me, do you know my identity?"

"I don't care what your identity is. Miss Ben has taken a fancy to this thing. Miss Ben is going to make a decision. Believe it or not, I will kill you. My uncle is the manager of the Ma family. Can you afford it?"

There was a loud noise not far ahead. Brahma didn't pay much attention to it at first, and it was two women who were arguing, so he naturally didn't bother to pay attention to it. However, when he heard that one of the girls was related to the Ma family, he suddenly So he stopped.

It was related to the Ma family, and it was the niece of the head of the Ma family, which caught his attention.

Brahma walked again, but the frequency was much faster, and stopped again at the door of a jewelry store. The noise came from this store, and he saw the two parties at the door.

The two girls were both in their twenties, but Brahma's gaze stayed on the girl of the Ma family for less than a second, and the next moment he was completely fixed on the other girl.

"Could it be that this girl is from the Lin Kun Realm?"

This girl was wearing a green dress and was tall and tall, but the most obvious thing was the short knife hanging from her waist, and a guard behind her was carrying a big knife on the back, in Brahma's impression It seems that only people in Lin Kun's realm are accustomed to using knives as weapons in battle.

"Are the people from the Ma family amazing?" The girl in Tsing Yi responded with a cold snort, "It seems that this is not your Ma family's territory, don't scare me with the Ma family, it's just a Ma family, it really can't get into my girl's eyes Don’t the Ma family all have the same quality as you? They don’t even understand the principle of first come first come first, so if you are sensible, get out of here quickly, and make this girl anxious, believe it or not, I will kill you alive.”

"Miss, this is the territory of Hu Liezong. If things get serious, I'm afraid it won't end well."

The guard behind the girl from the Ma family murmured in a low voice. This guard seemed ordinary, but Brahma saw the real identity of the other party at a glance. It turned out to be a blood guard, but compared with the blood guards he met before, his strength It was significantly lower, probably not long after becoming a blood guard.

"Hmph, for Hu Liezong's sake, this girl won't argue with you, let's go!"

After a short period of hesitation, the girl from the Ma family chose to leave. It was indeed an unwise choice to cause trouble in the Hu Liezong's territory, and it was not worth causing trouble for a piece of jewelry.

After seeing the girl from the Ma family leave, the corner of Brahma's mouth twitched slightly, but it was his inconspicuous behavior that unexpectedly brought him trouble.

"What were you laughing at just now? What's so funny? Are you laughing at me?"

Brahma never expected that just because of his random action, the girl with the knife would shout, "Dare to laugh at this girl, I will slash you with a knife."

As soon as the words fell, the other party jumped up, and with the short knife in his right hand, he slashed down on his forehead.

(End of this chapter)

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