War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1303 Qin Zhen is loyal, Nezha returns to the throne 10

Chapter 1303 Qin Zhen is loyal, Nezha returns to the throne 10
"No, Nezha, don't promise him, he is trying to get your elixir in a different way. This elixir contains huge power, who wouldn't be jealous after seeing it?"

If Erlangshen hadn't been paralyzed all over, he might have got up long ago and tried his best to find Li Kuang.

The importance of this casting pill to Nezha is self-evident, no matter what, he can't just watch his good brother fall.

If he falls again this time, Nezhake will disappear completely. It is really the last time. Can he not be in a hurry?

Li Kuang secretly laughed in his heart, he really couldn't see that such a cool and handsome guy as Erlangshen was like a fool in front of others, but when it came to Nezha's affairs, he would be in a mess, this basic affection is too obvious!

Unable to bear to provoke this God of War any longer, Li Kuang smiled and took the bottle, and disappeared with Qin Zhen directly in front of their eyes.

Such Chi Guoguo's indifference made Erlang tremble all over with anger, his fingers twitched, the muscles on his face wriggled and twisted, his big mouth opened and closed and his teeth were bared, but he couldn't utter a word.

Nezha didn't seem to care, and even felt an inexplicable sense of relief, as if he had finally let go of a stone in his heart, and it was a relief for him not to have to fight anymore.

"Mu, don't be like this! I believe in the boss of the evil god, he should not be that kind of sinister and ruthless person."

Erlang God finally sighed: "You, even if you have been reincarnated ten thousand times, you are still so pure, too emotional, and too easy to trust people."

Nezha smiled and said, "What's wrong with that? It's tiring to be wary of anyone you meet! Besides, don't you still protect me?"

"Fart! I can't protect myself, but I still protect you."

Erlangshen couldn't help but yelled and cursed again, quite angry and indisputable.

Nezha still looked indifferent, but what he said made people quite speechless: "So, it's my turn to protect you now, don't worry, for my sake, they shouldn't make things difficult for you! Hehe , For so many years, you have always asked you to protect me. I am embarrassed. I have waited for this opportunity for many years, and today I finally got my wish, great!"

Erlangshen's eyes widened, as if he wanted to try to open his third eye, a laser shot through Nezha's head to see what he was pretending to be.

(End of this chapter)

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