War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1304 Qin Zhen is loyal, Nezha returns to the throne 11

Chapter 1304 Qin Zhen is loyal, Nezha returns to the throne 11
Li Kuang, Lu Wu, Shen Nong, Ying Long, and Duan Qing once again entered the most secret room set up by Li Qiao, and began to study the God-casting Pill that shocked the three worlds.

As for Qin Zhen, Li Kuang handed him over to Li Qiao, and asked Li Qiao to train him slowly, making sure that his loyalty reached a satisfactory level. .

The reason why it is called Shangduanqing is that Li Kuang is grateful for her guidance, and as one of the few alchemists on his side, Li Kuang also wants to take this opportunity to let her observe the number one alchemist in the Three Realms. Shang Laojun's works, this should inspire her alchemy.

I remember Duanqing said that the soul is a forbidden area of ​​life, and it is absolutely impossible for pills to produce souls.

So, what does this elixir indicate?
Everyone looked at the panic-stricken little golden man in the jade vase in shock, and was speechless for a while.

"Xiao Kuang, is this little golden man really a magic pill refined by the Supreme Lord?"

Lu Wu, like everyone else, called Li Kuang "Little Kuang" and got up. He was obviously shocked by this magical pill that contained amazing spirit.

This elixir is like countless spirits being forcibly compressed and compressed, and finally condensed together. The huge spirit contained in it, even Lu Wu, whose strength has reached the early stage of Immortal Emperor, couldn't help but change his face.

What's more, the spirit aggregates are very mixed, as if they were kneaded together hard and deeply, although they are a whole, they are not integrated in essence.

Spiritual aggregates are the foundation of all things. Although there are many types, generally speaking, the spiritual aggregates contained in every independent living being are single and pure!
Unless it is truly non-attributed, it is possible to have a spectacle of multiple spirits gathered together.

But if more than two kinds of spirit aggregates are gathered together without the all-inclusive physique of non-attribute, the only consequence is an instant collapse, and everything turns into nothingness.

Spiritual energy is not spiritual power. The huge spiritual power is compressed and then compressed, refined and refined, and finally a trace of spiritual energy will be condensed!

Therefore, it seems that there are not many spirits in this divine pill, but it is actually refined from extremely huge spiritual power, and there is more than one kind.

Since these spirits cannot be integrated, theoretically they will form a hostile relationship, which will lead to mutual rejection and lead to terrible consequences.

(End of this chapter)

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