War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1431 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 17

Chapter 1431 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

What kind of realm is this?
Everyone laughed wryly in their hearts. A child is actually in the realm of the Golden Immortal, which is too shocking. Fortunately, there is only one such child, and the others are at most in the realm of Xuanxian or True Immortal. But even so, it is better than Shixuan Qinglan. He and Liu Feng are much taller.

This made the three of them blush for a while, knowing that they are very good, but it is still a bit unacceptable to be so good at it. By coincidence, the eyes of the three are intertwined, and there is a strong determination to become stronger!

"This...fairy, I'm going down to Lu Wu, may I ask, did you save us?"

Lu Wu originally wanted to call Chang'e Fairy, but seeing the other party dressed like this, he probably wouldn't admit it, so he didn't ask.

Fairy Chang'e said: "What's the point of raising your hand? In fact, someone else saved you. I just took care of it for you."

Qing Lan said: "Excuse me, sister, who is the benefactor who saved us? Or let us express our gratitude in person."

Fairy Chang'e said: "Actually, your appearance has also made a breakthrough in his cultivation base, which has strengthened his determination to break through this space. Today, he will perform the sky breaking ceremony at the place where you fell down. Everyone, Would you like to watch this rare event with me?"

Everyone was stunned.

To save myself and others, it turned out to be the legendary ancestor of Pan Gu who created the world!Moreover, the ancestor of Pan Gu was inspired by the time and space travel of himself and others...


Everyone was looking forward to it, and their hearts were agitated. Such a rare and grand event can be said to be rare in a million years. If you don't watch it, wouldn't you regret it for the rest of your life?

Moreover, this arrogant Pangu God is an idol in everyone's hearts. It is lucky enough to be rescued by an idol. I can see with my own eyes the idol's feats that affect the whole world. I don't know which life it is. So everyone said in unison: "Thank you fairy."

"Don't call me a fairy, I'm Nuwa, and I'm the great witch of the Pangu clan..."


Everyone, petrify again!
This voice, this appearance, is obviously Chang'e Fairy who fell off the spaceship, but she did not expect to become the legendary Nuwa God now!
Nu Wa is the ancestor of the creation of man in the legend. Regardless of whether the legend is true or not, it is true that the snake family is her masterpiece.

Such a super existence with the power to shake the Three Realms, her reputation is so great that it can be called invincible, and it can be said that it is comparable to Pan Gu who created the world.

(End of this chapter)

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