War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1432 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 18

Chapter 1432 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

Now, everyone is not sure if she is Chang'e who fell into time and space.

Naturally, such a major event as the creation of the world must not be missed.

This Kaitianya, which is the place where everyone fell from time and space, is only ten miles away. If you use the ability, you can reach it with just one thought, but what is strange is that everyone here has the strength above the immortal. But always on foot.

And Nuwa also explained the situation here in detail to everyone on the road.

It turned out that the valley where the Pangu clan was located was in the shape of a huge egg, and the outside was completely confused. People in it could not spy on the outside world at all.

The size of its entire world is only the size of a small county town, even smaller than the current Cthulhu Valley.

However, Lord Pangu, who has reached the limit of understanding of the rules of space, put forward a crazy idea, that is, he believes that the world cannot be so small, then, after the endless void, there must be a wider space!
As long as you split the space barrier, you can get out of this narrow space and go to a wider space!

Everyone looked at each other in astonishment. If the place where the Pangu clan lived today was the center of the Heretic God Valley, then the Sumeru Mountain outside the Heretic God Valley was tens of thousands of times larger than it.

The vastness of heaven and earth is so incomparable that it is really difficult to calculate.

Here, if it is said that the whole world is only the size of a county town, who would believe it?
Therefore, the only explanation is that this is a specially sealed space. As long as you break the space barrier, you can connect with the outside world and enter a wider world.

It is normal for everyone to come from time travel, but Pan Gu, a native born and bred, can think of this level. It has to be said that he is a real genius.

For them, this small valley is the absolute world, just like human beings' perception of the entire universe.

If everyone has heard the experience of the Five Elements Swallowing Heaven Beast, they will also understand how close his worries and theories are to reality.

Here, it is not the whole universe, nor is it in the gradual spread of the universe, because this world was of such a size at the beginning of its formation.

It's like... a fixed box!

But the creatures living in the box think that the box is the whole world, the whole world.

(End of this chapter)

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