War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1447 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 34

Chapter 1447 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

When these words came out, everyone was confused.

Who can know what the mission of his life is?

Going back to the original starting point and experiencing life again, will everything be the same as before?

If it is based on the irreversible characteristics of the starting point and the ending point of the law of reincarnation, doesn't it mean that it doesn't matter how the things encountered in the process change?
For example, if you pass a crossroad when you go home, if you choose a different road, you will meet different people and things. No matter what kind of detour you make, even if you travel around the world, you will finally reach your destination, which is... home!

And in this process, the friends and experiences that should have been met will naturally change due to the change of the route.

"So, if we fail, in the next reincarnation, we...maybe become passers-by? Right?"

Shi Xuan was overshadowed.

"Yes! Therefore, we must not fail!"

Li Kuang looked at everyone with firm eyes: "You are all my relatives and lovers, I, Li Kuang, will never allow God to tear us apart!"

Everyone who knew all this inevitably felt a little dignified.

I used to think that history is the facts, and the facts cannot be changed, but now, Li Kuang's words have completely subverted this cognition.

In this way, everything is possible. In reincarnation, no one can be independent, because you can't distinguish the starting point and the ending point.


Transcending the torrent of time and space, detached from the outside world, just like the real Pan Gu!
Li Kuang took a deep breath, and became more determined in his heart. For his family, for his friends, and for himself, he must not fail!

Li Qiao didn't know where she was hiding, and even a super strong man like Hun Peng couldn't find her.

At this moment, I heard her suddenly yell loudly: "I'm ready, right now, when I count to three, I will make the last move! One... two... three!"

As her voice fell, the entire space of the Pangu clan trembled. It felt as if the entire space had been frozen, the entire world became solid, and even the spiritual power stopped flowing!
But the space close to Li Kuang is not affected!
Li Kuang's eyes suddenly flashed an astonishing light, and the entire suppressed aura was released instantly, like several nuclear bombs exploding at the same time, the terrifying pressure made the world change color!
(End of this chapter)

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