War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1448 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 35

Chapter 1448 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

Open up!
Li Kuang only had one second, so he naturally used the ultimate move without hesitation.

This trick is the essence of Pangu's lifelong learning, and its power is really unimaginable.

The Heaven-Splitting Ax forms a world of its own, and when it slashes out this time, it is simply a powerful collision of two worlds!

Although everyone had a feeling of being frozen, their thinking was not affected in the slightest. Seeing that Li Kuang was slashing out with a straight ax without any tricks, everyone couldn't help but show incredulous expressions.

Is this... Could it be the super trick that Pan Gu has studied for more than 1000 years to open up the world?
This trick was boasted by Pan Gu so amazingly, but he didn't expect it to be so simple and simple, so simple that even a three-year-old child can do it!
But when the ax silently swung a brilliant ray of light in mid-air, everyone's expression changed in shock!

The sudden burst of brilliant light, like a gigantic unparalleled leather, spread out in an instant, as if a space was rapidly expanding, and it just rushed into the void.

At this moment, people who have reached the level of Immortal Emperor can almost feel the constant adjustment and change of two completely different spatial rules.

It was Li Kuang who suddenly poured all the divine power into the God Ax of Opening Heaven, instantly changing the rules of its space.

Are spatial rules tangible?
If you ask this question, I'm afraid it will only get a burst of laughter.

But at this moment, everyone deeply felt the "shape" of the space!
Opening the God Ax is a space weapon formed from a complete space!
To split space, naturally it can only be a space weapon of the same level!
The long sword light outlines a narrow and sharp illusory space, slashing fiercely in the void!

Although the place where the Pangu clan lived was not the only world, it was the center of the entire world.

The space barrier here is also extremely powerful, and the seal is still in operation at all times, just like the super formation of the evil god valley, as long as one place is attacked, the power of the entire sealing formation will gather in an instant.

And given the strength of the spiritual power of the place where the Pangu clan lived at the moment, if the power of the entire formation gathered together, there might not be a single existence in this world who could resist it!

The only end is to turn into fly ash and disappear forever.

(End of this chapter)

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