War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1449 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 36

Chapter 1449 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

Of course, only Li Kuang and Li Qiao know about such serious consequences!
The sealing formation was stopped by Li Qiao's supreme ability. This was the only weakness that Li Qiao found out after 300 years of research. With Li Qiao's magical space control ability, it could only stop for a short second.

One second is negligible for most people, but for some people, it can do a lot.

At this moment, it directly determines the future of the entire world!
The spatial sharp weapon transformed into the Heavenly God Ax is as real as it is, and it accurately cuts into the weakest part of the seal.

There, there is a thin thread of space that is on the verge of breaking!
Although the space looks invisible, the space barrier actually exists.

Its essence is the strange existence like thin threads, which are the pillars of space!
That is, the most basic substance that constitutes space!

Just like we use wood to build houses, the threads of space are the pillars that support the entire space!

The difference is that not only are there so many threads in this space, but they are also intertwined and intertwined one by one, like a big net.

These silk threads all contain endless rules, which are hard to see with the naked eye.

Countless thin threads of space are woven together to form a space barrier, and above the space barrier is covered with the power of space, like skin, which makes the originally rough space more perfect.

Of course, these are difficult to see with the naked eye. Only after reaching the level of the Immortal Emperor and touching the rules of space can one understand it.

Only those who are truly masters can pry into the real mysteries of the space.

Li Kuang's comprehension came from Pangu!
Unlike ordinary people, his celestial eyes are of great help in comprehending the rules of space.

Sky Vision, Earth Listening Jue has become an instinct, and it is in harmony with the sky and the earth anytime, anywhere. Although these hidden things cannot be seen, they can feel their existence more keenly than ordinary people.

Driven by Pan Gu's divine power and with the help of Li Qiao, Li Kuang's attack went straight to the weakest point in the entire space.

His purpose is very simple, which is to use the powerful collision of two different space rules to trigger a real space storm.

Only in this way can the seal be completely destroyed, causing it to completely collapse!

(End of this chapter)

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