War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1472 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy 60

Chapter 1472 Across time and space, I am the only one crazy [-]

Anyone who sees this thing will probably go crazy, feeling extremely incredible!
It was a small box that looked quaint!

"Zixia, this box is smelted from the essence of the five-colored god stone...the colorless heart plus countless rare treasures, which contains my understanding and perception of the entire space-time rules."

There seemed to be a strange smile on Nuwa's face: "It is almost infinitely compatible with this time and space, and it can even be said to be the epitome of this time and space. It took a full 500 years for the master to refine it! So, as long as you absorb With enough power of time and space, you can travel through time and space like Xiao Kuang. Now, she is yours! Take her and go pursue your own happiness!"

Li Kuang could barely breathe. In fact, he didn't need to breathe either. It was just such a strange oppressive feeling that made his heart feel heavy as if it had been filled with lead.

It turned out that this is how the so-called Moonlight Box came about!
Are you chasing history or making history?
The woman with a perfect figure seemed to wake up from a deep sleep at this time, stretched out her dazzlingly white and crystal jade hand, and gently took the box.

And Fairy Zixia took the Moonlight Treasure Box, and the laughter like a silver bell rang directly into the depths of Li Kuang's soul, and what she said next made Li Kuang almost bleed!

"If you are not happy, it is useless even if you live forever. If you are happy, even if you can only live for a few days, it is enough! Master, don't worry, I, Zixia, will not be trapped by love in this life. You have been telling love stories in my ears , and want me to pursue the so-called love that belongs to me. But, how do you know, in fact, I don't want to love anyone at all!"

She raised her hand, but revealed a very luxurious sword in her hand, and said with a smile: "Master, the story you made up is too bloody! Anyone who can pull out this sword is mine." The person you like, didn’t you already arrange it for me? I, Zixia, can only marry Li Kuang in this life, this is your expectation!”

"Since that's the case, what fate are you still playing with? What are you talking about, Romance with the Sword?"

Nuwa seemed shocked by Zixia's bold behavior, and she said in surprise after a while: "Zixia, what do you want to do? This is your fate, you can't change it, and you can't change it!"

"Fate? You actually said it was fate?"

Zixia suddenly became angry, as if she didn't treat Nuwa as a master at all.

"Sorry, I'm really sorry, the update has been slowed down due to inconvenient these days, in fact, Tiaotiao has already explained it at the beginning, thank you to the brothers and sisters who understand, at the same time, those who only know Brothers who yell and insult, please put yourself in your shoes!Don't keep talking about how much you were charged. For 100 yuan, the author can only get a few cents, it's as simple as that.How much do you earn for a book with more than [-] million words?Is this the price of cabbage? ? ?Can it be worth the price of cabbage?I'm afraid it's the price of chicken feathers!So, if you don’t like it, you don’t have to watch it, please put away your insulting words, after all, if your parents and relatives are not dead, you are cursing them!

In addition, if I have time today, I will keep writing, as many as possible, I hope everyone will support it! "

(End of this chapter)

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