War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1473 The ultimate secret, the destiny of the chapter 1

Chapter 1473 The Ultimate Secret, Fate of Reincarnation [-]
"It's just your wishful thinking. What you can't get yourself, you want to make up for it in this way. Master, have you asked me?"

She raised the sword in her hand, but changed the subject and became mischievous: "However, my apprentice is not a disobedient person, so I will definitely fulfill your wish, but..."

She didn't stop talking, but opened the treasure box, muttering some spells in her mouth, and in an instant, a large piece of white light poured out of the treasure box, instantly illuminating the entire space.

And Zixia and Nuwa, two beautiful beauties, are like fairies bathed in holy light... Oh, they are, but under the white light, it gives people a strange feeling.

At this time, Fairy Zixia smiled and finished her words: "I'm sorry, master, I want to pursue my own happiness, but it's not the Li Kuang you arranged for me! I can hold it in my own hands. This sword has been destroyed by me, and it has been smelted into one. No one in the world can open it again..."

While speaking, her figure gradually dimmed in the white light, and finally turned into nothingness and disappeared, and the white light that filled the room also faded instantly.

Nu Wa stared at the void, dumbfounded, and for a while, a mysterious smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, which seemed to be helpless, but also seemed to be looking forward to it.

"Zixia, don't you know that you have no scruples, you are not afraid of the sky, you are not afraid of the sky, and your open-minded personality is exactly what I have specially created based on my and Shixuan's personality? This kind of alternative, except for Xiao Kuang, you Who else can you fall in love with? Fate, this is your fate. If so, how can it be up to you? Surpassing reincarnation and controlling fate, this is... what I am still working on!"

Li Kuang was so shocked that he couldn't laugh or cry, but in this state, he couldn't make even a little change!
Kong Kong once said that time and space are vast and boundless, and when you are in the realm of enlightenment, all you can see is the past or future related to yourself.

It's just that Kongkong can control it freely and "swim" outside the torrent of time and space, but he can't.

Now Li Kuang also understands that this time and space is indeed the highest state that only the Dzogchen state can comprehend, or in other words, it has already surpassed the scope of the state.

Because, this belongs to the most original rules of heaven and earth!
(End of this chapter)

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