War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1479 The ultimate secret, the destiny of the chapter 9

Chapter 1479 The ultimate secret, reincarnation fate [-]
The voice became more and more passionate, but Li Kuang's heart gradually sank.

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested! I'm just me, unique, I don't want to be the first person who lives with the world!"

"Hehe, I won't force you, I just feel a little pity. Looking at the entire vast time and space, there are only a few people who can awaken. Since you gave up the chance to become the first person, then I will take on this task! Li Kuang, are you ready for fusion?"

At this moment, Li Kuang's voice was extremely evil: "Don't you know that only the awakened Celestial Clan can swallow freely... Oh, this word is used a bit badly, it should be called fusion. For us, Those who are not awakened are the best food for our growth."

Li Kuang felt chills in his heart, and couldn't help but feel an unspeakable anger: "Swallow another self to increase his strength? Can you think of such an evil method?"

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous! Thinking about our strength in the past, and looking at our downfall today, Li Kuang, are you really willing? You know, we were originally super existences equal to heaven and earth! But now, we have to Under the rules of heaven and earth, you are lingering on your last breath, constantly reincarnated, such an insult, are you really indifferent?"

Li Kuang said angrily: "Every scattered soul and consciousness has become independent, they are no longer Li Kuang, they are no longer the Celestial Clan, but real people who exist in various time and space! You It's murder, naked murder!"

murder yourself?

The sense of absurdity in Li Kuang's heart had never been so strong at this moment, which made him involuntarily think of a movie called "Savior of the World". In that movie, it seemed that such a similar bizarre story was told.

Kill yourself in another parallel space to gain all the experience and power of the other party!
It's just that the parallel space is replaced by a different time and space here!

But all of this is actually the same goal by different routes!
Li Kuang can't do such an evil thing as cruelly depriving the other party of everything he owns.

He can fight bravely without fear of power, even if he sacrifices his life, it doesn't matter, he breaks the rules again and again, just to become stronger.

However, if you want him to use any conspiracy and tricks against the enemy, he can't do anything against his own people alone.

Not to mention such an evil thing as devouring oneself?
(End of this chapter)

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