War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1480 The ultimate secret, the destiny of the chapter 10

Chapter 1480 The Ultimate Secret, Reincarnation Fate [-]

It's just that he can't accept such an evil thing, which doesn't mean that others can't do the same.

"Hey, since you don't want to, then dedicate everything to me! I will find Li Kuang in all time and space, kill them, and recover the power that belongs to the first leader! The world belongs to Li Kuang!"

When the voice said this, Li Kuang suddenly felt his body sink, and immediately, the feeling of being in the "enlightenment" disappeared, as if he came to the entity from the void.

Immediately, all human feelings returned to the body.

However, a powerful murderous intent locked on him tightly, like an invincible and peerless weapon, making people dare not even make a slight movement.

Li Kuang smiled bitterly: "You want to kill me?"

"No, no, you are wrong. This is not killing, but fusion, perfect fusion. From now on, we will be one! Of course, all of this is based on me, and everything that belongs to you will become my memory one!"

When that voice spoke such an evil language, it was still so indifferent and calm, as if this was an insignificant matter in the first place.

Through his words, Li Kuang could barely understand that when the world was first born, the first...that is, the complete self came here inexplicably.

Obviously, the first leader does not belong to this world, but he himself is also confused, he doesn't know where he came from, and he doesn't know why he came here, but there is such a strong desire in his heart to find his way home.

So, he searched hard, just to find the way home, but this world has just been formed, everything is very primitive, according to the normal development, I am afraid that human society will not appear in how many years.

Therefore, the first officer began to have a whimsical idea, and became interested in traveling through time and space.

Such a whimsical idea was originally just a thought, but unfortunately, he not only possessed such an ability, but also practiced it himself.

The world was originally harmonious, but the consequences of being so messed up by the first officer can be imagined.

Li Kuang knows that traveling through time and space is extremely complicated, and the most important thing is the power of time and space, and the source of this power of time and space is really scary!
Of course, with the super powerful strength comparable to the heaven and earth, the broken space is just a child's play, but the impact caused by it is huge.

(End of this chapter)

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