War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1490 The ultimate secret, the destiny of the chapter 23

Chapter 1490 The Ultimate Secret, Reincarnation Fate [-]

The destructive ability of the Chaos Against the Heaven Art was used by him to perfection, and his eyes were like particle cannons that could tear apart space, wantonly destroying.

Even if Li Kuang can't be found, but the space of consciousness is broken, he still needs soul power to repair it.

In this way, there will be a day when his strength will be exhausted, and at that time, it will be the time when No. [-] will win.

Number two absolutely does not believe that Li Kuang's energy will be stronger than his own. If so, he may have appeared in front of his eyes long ago and devoured him.

I have to say that although this is a stupid way, it is also the best way.

Because the consciousness space is the residence of the soul, it must not be damaged. Once the damage reaches a certain level, even if the first person is alive, I am afraid that he will be helpless and can only sit and wait for death.

And Li Kuang, who is integrated with the consciousness space, is even more helpless. If the consciousness space collapses, his soul will not even be able to escape.

This is what he didn't expect when he started smelting. As the saying goes, there are advantages and disadvantages. Although he can control the entire consciousness space more perfectly after smelting, he still has to pay a price.

And once the consciousness space is damaged, no matter how unwilling Li Kuang is, his soul power will automatically rush out to repair it.

Therefore, if this continues, there will be a moment when the soul power will be exhausted!
Can't wait any longer!
Originally thought that "Infinite Temptation" would be able to make great achievements again, but who knew that he would become the other party's stimulant, and it was his own fault!
Li Kuang was so depressed that he almost vomited blood.

For the current plan, whether he wants to or not, he can only fight.

After checking his equipment, Li Kuang was immediately full of confidence.

The Frost Sacred Armor is still there, sticking to Li Kuang's body like a film. Although he is now a conscious body, he can still feel the surging power on the Sacred Armor!
The Taixu Shenjia is a bit interesting. It was originally just a spinning product obtained by "robbing" the mirror image of the Heavenly Tribulation, Lei Zhenzi. The magic has been integrated into the chaotic spirit and has been refined for 300 years.

So now, is this knockoff still a knockoff?
Li Kuang even believed that even the legendary authentic product might not be as powerful as the divine armor he was wearing.

Because not only has it been smelted by Pangu, but also a magic circle was arranged by Nuwa with five-colored god stones to serve as energy.

This magic circle can automatically absorb all the energy of the five elements from the heaven and the earth.

Therefore, even if Li Kuang doesn't have the slightest divine power, he can freely use the function of the Taixu God Armor.

And the Taixu God Armor is known as the number one super defensive armor in the past and present, nothing can be broken!
(End of this chapter)

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