War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1491 The ultimate secret, the destiny of the chapter 24

Chapter 1491 The Ultimate Secret, Reincarnation Fate [-]

The runes on the Frost Sacred Armor are esoteric and difficult to understand. Li Kuang still hasn't figured out what they mean, but it is undeniable that its strange defense method is even weirder than the Void Divine Armor.

After all, the Taixu God Armor is only a passive defense, relying on the strength of the God Armor itself, but the Frost Holy Armor is a bit magical, it seems... It is a rule!
When an external force strikes, the rules are activated and the force is completely removed.

With two super artifacts to save his life, and Pojie, the king of artifacts that can transform and simulate the world's weapons, what else is Li Kuang worried about?
Seeing that this guy was getting more and more rampant, Li Kuang knew that if he didn't do anything again, he might really have no chance.

Number two was destroying as he walked, but his heart was not as relaxed as it appeared on the surface, and he vaguely felt that something was wrong there.

Ordinarily, a weak soul like the other party can't cause any harm to him at all. With the Chaos Against the Heavens Art, he can even absorb space. Would he still be afraid of this small space of consciousness?
"Hey, number two, do you really want to be swallowed by me that much?"

Li Kuang's voice suddenly sounded in front of him.

On the other hand, No. [-] laughed and turned his eyes away. Suddenly, like a super-powerful particle cannon bombarding him, the space in front of him suddenly shattered.

That's where Li Kuang's voice came from.

"Damn it! Destroyer, what a gentleman!"

Li Kuang yelled in embarrassment, but he appeared beside the Shattered Space in a distressed figure, almost torn apart, with disheveled hair and staggering steps, looking very embarrassed.

"It finally appeared, suffer death!"

No. [-] was overjoyed, and had no patience to play with Li Kuang any longer. As his eyes flickered, two beams of colored light suddenly shot out, spinning like two beams of light, instantly swelling to the thickness of a bucket, and silently bombarded Li Kuang. .

The space trembled, and the clearly visible marks lingered for a long time, like an entity burned by high temperature.

And Li Kuang obviously expected his attack long ago, his figure flickered, and he teleported away again.

Here, he controls everything, teleportation is naturally not difficult.

It's just that No. [-]'s destructive power is too amazing, otherwise, Li Kuang could imprison him with just one thought!
Is it possible to tie up a lion with a straw rope?
(End of this chapter)

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