War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1493 The Ultimate Secret.Chakra Destiny 26

Chapter 1493 The Ultimate Secret.Reincarnation [-]

Li Kuang's face changed in astonishment, his face seemed to be filled with extreme inconceivability, and he was hit by the colorful storm, and turned into nothingness!
But the group of colorful lights suddenly suffocated.

It miraculously disappeared into the invisible.

Seeing that Li Kuang was dead, number two naturally didn't want to waste any more energy, besides, the damage here was almost done, and if it continued to be destroyed, it would be completely destroyed.

Number Two doesn't want the slightest senseless loss.

Being able to directly cut off the attack sent out, the strength of No. [-] is indeed a bit shocking.

Not only the attack he just sent out, but even the storm created by the explosion of the arrow of soul power just now, after he gave a cold snort, he stretched out his big hand, turned into a giant palm, and pinched it directly.

And the colorful halo flowed, and after a flash of light in his palm, it finally disappeared!
For him who has comprehended the rules of time and space, this is just a trivial matter.

No. [-] looked at the broken space of consciousness, and couldn't help but smiled wryly: "This bastard really would rather die than surrender, causing me to destroy the space of consciousness like this, and now I have to use the power of chaos to repair it, it's really abominable."

After No. [-] finished speaking, with a wave of that crystal-clear and shining arm, chaotic divine power gushed out, and the entire space was bathed in colorful light. It was like an illusion, and the damaged consciousness space was repaired in just one breath. whole.

Now that Li Kuang's consciousness body has been bombarded into fragments, No. [-] can only follow Li Kuang's old way to control all of this, which is to refine this consciousness space again.

The consciousness space is born with the soul. Generally speaking, when the soul dies, the consciousness space cannot last forever. As long as the energy is exhausted, it will turn into nothingness.

But No. [-] is infinitely close to Li Kuang in essence, like one body, his soul power can naturally mend the space.

"Huh! This consciousness space is really interesting, with unlimited potential! Hehe, although this bastard is not likable, the things he made are really good."

While talking, No. [-] sent power to the space, preparing to refine this strange space of consciousness.

But at first, he was really taken aback.

This seemingly ordinary space of consciousness requires an astonishing amount of energy.

With the vast amount of chaotic divine power he had stored, it flowed away like a raging river, and it was transported for half an hour, but there was no change at all!
(End of this chapter)

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