War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1494 The ultimate secret, the destiny of the chapter 28

Chapter 1494 The ultimate secret, reincarnation fate [-]

Therefore, Li Kuang put all his eggs in one basket, making full use of No. [-]'s arrogance to show the enemy his weakness, and then the strong man cut off his wrist, gave up half of his soul and turned into a body, and let him kill him with one blow!
Originally, this kind of work of luring the enemy only needed one-third of the soul to distinguish between true and false, but just in case, Li Kuang gritted his teeth and used half of the soul.

This half of the soul was hard and deeply separated from his body, and the pain was really indescribable.

But the remaining half of Li Kuang's soul escaped directly from the space of consciousness and manipulated the reincarnation pagoda from the outside.

Because he knew that once No. [-] succeeded, he would definitely be reluctant to annihilate such a powerful consciousness space, so he would definitely repair and refine it.

This is Li Kuang's only chance!
With the strength of No. [-], he can easily tell whether the one destroyed by him is the real Li Kuang, but he never dreamed that Li Kuang actually split his soul deeply!

When he sent energy to the consciousness space and began to refine it, the initiative had long been out of his hands.

The Reincarnation Pagoda can convey infinite temptation to Li Kuang, so naturally it can also absorb it.

What's more, it's No. [-] who took the initiative to send huge divine power over?
Immediately, the pagoda was radiant, and the rules were activated, like a boundless ocean, greedily containing and devouring the huge energy like a river.

Under the nourishment of this pure and high-level chaotic divine power, the Reincarnation Pagoda itself has undergone a qualitative change. While absorbing it, Li Kuang also smelted it severely again.

Poor number two, still immersed in boundless lust, completely unaware that his huge divine power is being consumed at a terrifying speed.

It's ridiculous that he thought this was the consciousness space of the first leader, and it needed so much energy to refine it!
Finally, No. [-] collapsed, and almost all his divine power was devoted, but what was shocking was that the space of consciousness remained unchanged.

There is no such feeling of harmony between him and him.

How can it be?

No matter how strong the consciousness space is, it can't be so strong!
Number two was startled, and finally realized something was wrong.

But at this moment, the diamond-shaped crystals in his eye sockets have lost their color and become dim, but they are a little more weird than ordinary people, and they no longer have the terrible destructive power before!

"I don't want to say anything, I know that the latest update is not satisfactory to everyone, but there is no way, please forgive me, there are so many helplessness, it is frustrating! "

(End of this chapter)

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