War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1718 Time goes by, devil trades 2

Chapter 1718 Time passes, devil's deal [-]

"Time passes! Extinct!"

The mournful and stern voice, which seemed to be howling and cursing, resounded so sadly throughout the duel arena.

Rays of light rose from them like searchlights, and at the same time focused on Long Xuanyuan who was in mid-air!

It seems to be at the same time, but in fact, the previous attack method is still used, but people who have not reached the realm of space powerhouses can't see it at all.

As soon as the white light shone on Long Xuanyuan's body, his pounced body froze, as if frozen.

Long Xuanyuan's face still maintained an unbelievably shocked expression, but he couldn't control his body from falling, and hit the ground like a shooting star, instantly splashing up into waves of earth!
But the faces of the guards were determined, their bodies disappeared in an instant, and when they reappeared, they had already reached the edge of the deep pit, still maintaining a circular posture, stretching out their hands in unison, pointing to the deep pit.


The white light converged into a huge aperture, covering the deep pit!

Immediately, everyone was shocked to find that the place covered by the halo began to change rapidly.

Time is passing by tens of millions of times!

Everything under attack will follow the law of time and begin to grow old and decay. Even the rocky ground has undergone countless changes in an instant.

At the same time, the guards who performed the passage of time all looked sluggish, bleeding from the corners of their mouths, and their faces changed instantly, as if they had experienced countless eras at the same time.

With the strength of the Dragon Clan, as long as they have enough spiritual resources, they will not age even for [-] million years, but at this moment, they are starting to change under the watchful eyes of everyone.

First, the skin gradually loosened, and then even the hair became dull, and the hair and beard grew at an astonishing speed, but it gradually withered and yellowed, looking extremely weird!

The half-orc was too shocked to speak, his fingers clasped tightly, his face grim.

"Little madman, what's going on here? How did they age so quickly... Hey, where are they? Where did they go?"

Bing Rou subconsciously wanted to ask Li Kuang, but was surprised to find that he had disappeared from her side at some point.

At this moment, everyone was attracted by the situation in front of them, and no one noticed that there was one person missing here.

"Damn it, you don't call me for such a fun thing, how will I punish you when you come back!"

Bingrou stomped her feet and looked around angrily, but to no avail, she could only wait, although she suspected that Li Kuang was going to do something shameful, but there was nothing she could do if she couldn't find anyone.

(End of this chapter)

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