War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1719 Time goes by, devil trades 3

Chapter 1719 Time passes, devil's deal [-]

Although Long Xuanyuan is powerful and can be called the peak of the emperor level, but he has only comprehended the rules of space. Facing the higher level of time rules, he has no strength to resist at all.

He was instantly frozen in time, unable to do anything except thinking, and could only watch helplessly as he fell into the deep pit, and then the spiritual energy in his body flowed away like a flood, as if being absorbed by an oil pipeline.

This is the original essence that I have gone through countless kalpas and countless years of hard work!

Even losing one share will make me feel bad, let alone such a waste?
Immediately, Long Xuanyuan was so anxious that he was about to cry.

I was born as a mutilated abandoned dragon, with blocked meridians and a thin body, which is extremely rare in the history of dragon clan.

Dragons of the dragon family, even if they are not five-line dragons, are generally born with a smooth flow of veins, and they can reach the realm of immortals without cultivation!

But Long Xuanyuan was just like those monsters in the east who hadn't crossed the catastrophe. They were too far away from the realm of immortals.

Continuous hard work, continuous breakthroughs, put in more effort than ordinary people, but get very little.

However, Long Xuanyuan's mind is far stronger than ordinary people, and with his super belief that he must become stronger, he has created miracles time and time again.

However, his aptitude was not high in the first place, and he had no one to guide him, so he took a lot of detours.

It was also like this, when the first calamity period approached, he just relied on his powerful soul to escape the catastrophe, becoming a special case in the Three Realms who could not survive the catastrophe below the emperor level!
It was another penance for the calamity period, but the poor man still failed to reach the emperor level and was still destroyed!

However, in the experience of being destroyed several times, his soul became more condensed and stronger.

So, he put all his eggs in one basket and simply transformed his soul into his own talisman, condensed it all day long, and finally made his soul extremely powerful.

This eight-inch flying knife is the collection of his soul and natal spirit, just like Li Kuang's Nascent Soul.

But this time, he finally made a breakthrough, successfully realized the rules of space, and became an emperor-level powerhouse!
He no longer has to worry about falling when the catastrophe comes, but it is limited to this, because in the past 10 years, although he has been cultivating hard in the stormy sea area as always, he has not been able to make an inch of progress.

To make a breakthrough, he decided to join the WTO.

Hearing that Longyu held a Dragon Domain Contest to select the vanguard general of the Eastern Expedition, he felt that an opportunity was coming, and he just took this opportunity to fight a battle and obtain a breakthrough.

Unexpectedly, in the first battle against the city of life, he encountered a dangerous situation!
(End of this chapter)

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