War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1733 Darkness reappears, and the situation changes 10

Chapter 1733 Darkness reappears, and the situation changes [-]

Yang Binfu really deserved to be an emperor-level powerhouse, even though he was terrified in his heart, he still arranged his attacks in an orderly manner.

The life sword swung suddenly, as if it was waving the entire space in an instant, that strange tremor made people's heart chill involuntarily.

All the places covered by white light in the duel space seem to have condensed into a whole, and are closely connected with the life sword!

When he swung the Excalibur, the whole space began to subvert.

The sound of air explosions was endless, and the violent wood-type energy burst open, extremely violent, completely contrary to the gentleness and simplicity preached by the goddess of life!
The space is spinning like a mixer!

Sisi Sisi!

The white giant sword was extremely fierce, and as it stirred, the entire space seemed to become a blender with sharp blades as its blades, frantically strangling everything in it!
The aura of violent destruction was so thick and shocking that almost everyone who watched the battle stood up and became excited.

The simultaneous stirring of countless giant swords caused the entire space to suddenly collapse. The space barrier on the first floor had been completely torn apart, and a space storm was formally formed. The cracks seemed to be more terrifying than giant swords, devouring everything madly.

In such a situation, except for wood energy, all existence will be strangled into nothingness.

Indistinguishable, the destruction-shaped attack not only consumes a large amount of spiritual power, but also incorporates a trace of Yang Binfu's life essence, and its power is doubled!

Yang Binfu has every reason to believe that even his father, Yang Dingtian, the most powerful man in the City of Life, would never get out of this situation.

It's just that, despite all his calculations, he failed to figure out the mystery of Long Xuanyuan's spirit transformation.

For the Dragon Clan, the strongest body is the best in the world, and there is no need for additional body training at all.

Naturally, the Dragon Clan will not give up their bodies easily. After all, it is not easy to find another body with the same strength.

Even an evil existence like Austin longs to have a real body day and night.

A normal dragon is absolutely unwilling to give up his own body!
However, Long Xuanyuan was different.

His body was originally more like a snake than a dragon. Even after condensing a whole period of calamity, it was only a little bit stronger than the average dragon. That's why he created a shortcut to condense all his power. Finally, the current Spirit Extinguishing Sword was formed!

Now that it has been transformed into energy, and it is poisonous power, unless Yang Binfu's attack can instantly purify the poisonous energy in the entire space, there is no way to hurt him.

"Brothers and sisters, it's time to witness everyone's passion. No matter what Tiao Tiao thinks, this book has been put on the stage. I have no choice but to give it a try. I implore my brothers to vote when you have time. You can't lose to China is not!In fact, Tiao Tiao himself is also depressed, okay!During this period of time, Tiaotiao will work hard to code words, turn off the game, prohibit all entertainment activities, and concentrate on code words. As for the rest, I will leave it to everyone.address:

(End of this chapter)

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