War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1734 Darkness reappears, and the situation changes 11

Chapter 1734 Darkness reappears, and the situation changes [-]

At this moment, Long Xuanyuan was in a mysterious realm.

Since all the soul consciousness is integrated into the original spirit, plus the current integration of power, this knife can actually be regarded as Long Xuanyuan's body.

What's even more amazing is that this is actually not a knife in the simple sense, but a collection of energy, soul and body. The entire soul and body are fused into every trace of the original spirit.

With tens of thousands of incarnations, as long as a trace of spiritual energy is not destroyed, they can be reborn with this!

This, in fact, is the housekeeping skill of the Demon Clan. Compared with the Regenerative Legion relying on the Tree of Life to regenerate, it is not at the same level in essence!
After all, one is to ask for help, and the other is to rely on oneself.

The green light was violently dispersed like blue smoke, spreading all over the duel space. It looked like a person had been strangled into bits and pieces of meat, scattered all over the venue, which was extremely strange.

Finally wiped out?

Not only Yang Binfu, but even the audience was full of doubts.

No one believes that someone can survive such a devastating attack, unless he has comprehended the rules of time.

However, this is almost impossible!

The corners of Li Kuang's mouth turned up, revealing an excited and smug smile.

Because, as a test subject, Long Xuanyuan perfectly confirmed some possibilities for him, and these possibilities are extremely important to Li Kuang, so excitement is inevitable.

Yang Binfu's face was pale and bloodless, not at all the expression that a winner should have. Even the half-orc was keenly aware that the elder brother's lips were tightly biting together, there was already a trace of blood stains, and his face was even more ferocious. fear!
It was a subconscious behavior under extreme tension and excitement.

Why did the always steady elder brother lose his composure like this?
The state of a half-orc made him unable to retain much memory of the previous catastrophe when he was reborn. In fact, he knew nothing about the Dark Clan. Naturally, no one would reveal his scars and tell him.

Most people in Longyu are the same. For the taboo of the Dark Clan, only the upper echelons know about it.

And the disaster of the Frost family has not only passed for a long time, because it only affected the Frost family, so the rest of the people are not very clear about the inside story.

But Yang Binfu is different, as the heir of the family, he knows more than most people!
Could this be the remnants left by the devil dragon?
Grit your teeth!He decided to use the desperate trick of the Mu family... Time passed!
(End of this chapter)

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