War of the Three Realms

Chapter 178 Mortal Yujian, out of trouble 1

Chapter 178 Mortal Yujian, out of trouble 1
It turns out that this flame still recognizes people!

Li Kuang thought proudly, and hastily retracted the Huoyun Sword into his body. Staying outside for a moment consumes precious energy, and with Li Kuang's current state, there is not much energy to waste.

Seeing that Li Kuang retracted the flying sword, Ling Muran looked at Li Kuang like a monster.

As a cultivator, who wouldn't want to be able to reach the Nascent Soul Realm and fly with the sword?
For this alternative world that relies on strength to speak, the Nascent Soul Stage is a watershed, because at this stage, the mental power can be released, control the flying sword, and soar into the sky.

Ling Muran never imagined in his dreams that someone could do things with a crippled body that they might not even be able to do during the out-of-body period. This is simply too bizarre!
It was so bizarre that he didn't dare to covet the slightest bit in his heart!

Li Kuang was actually a little apprehensive, for fear that Ling Muran would be greedy, and that would be very bad!

Although I have a flying sword now, I can't show one ten-thousandth of its power at all, which is almost the same as not having it. If I do it, I will definitely not be Ling Muran's opponent in the spiritual silence period.

And this place is inaccessible, and it is a good place to kill and rob.

Fortunately, Ling Muran was intimidated by Xuanyin and did not dare to do anything wrong, otherwise Li Kuang might have no choice but to jump off a cliff to protect himself.

Although Ling Muran is jealous, he still has self-knowledge. He knows that Li Kuang must be protected by forces behind him, so how dare he offend him?
From this day on, the two of them took this platform as their home. In their spare time, they either practiced exercises or exchanged ideas with each other. At night, they could drink and chat under the moonlight, which was quite happy.

Li Kuang spends most of his time practicing the Sword Controlling Art every day, hoping to reach the realm of flying with the Sword Controlling and escape from difficulties as soon as possible.

This place is quiet and peaceful, except for the two of them, almost no living things can be seen, but Li Kuang's space ring is so rich that it has supported the two of them for a year and a half!

In the past year or so, not only Ling Muran has advanced rapidly, but even Li Kuang has made amazing progress.

He was frustrated in cultivating true qi, but he practiced Yujian Jue very smoothly, it can be said that he has made rapid progress.

During this period of time, Li Kuang has been thinking hard, and has completely sorted out the information stored in his brain.

After spending several months studying carefully, and then practicing with Huoyun Sword, even Ling Muran was amazed at the speed of entry.

(End of this chapter)

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