War of the Three Realms

Chapter 179 Mortal Yujian, out of trouble 2

Chapter 179 Mortal Yujian, out of trouble 2
Under his control, the Huoyun Sword was like a living thing, scurrying all over the sky. Wherever it went, it was hot, and the heat was extremely astonishing, like a flaming meteor scurrying around, leaving behind faint lines one after another. The tail looks extremely dazzling.

And the time Li Kuang can control is getting longer and longer, on the contrary, the energy consumed to command the Fire Cloud Sword is also getting less and less.

Li Kuang kept in mind the key points of Yu Jian Jue, and kept practicing the most basic key points of operation!

But because of the meridian, although he is also practicing the 'Yuxu Qingxin Jue', the progress is extremely slow, and the true energy that can be stored in the dantian is also extremely limited.

Those exquisite attack moves can't be practiced at all, because the true energy required is too much!

But Li Kuang is constantly rehearsing these powerful killing moves in his mind. Although he is temporarily unable to perform them, he has fully understood the key points and subtleties of these moves!

The only difference is the abundant and powerful true energy!

In fact, these improvements are nothing to Li Kuang. He thinks that the greatest achievement is that "mind and eye contact" has finally broken through the realm of the earth and advanced to the realm of humans!
And after advancing to the human realm, his eyesight returned to normal, and he could see everything clearly even without using his mind and eyes.

This can be regarded as an explanation for the previous oath!
What surprised or frightened him even more was that he was shocked to find that after reaching the realm of "human", this telepathy actually has the function of "seeing through"!

As long as Li Kuang is willing and uses his supernatural powers, he can mutate his eyesight, like clairvoyant eyes, able to penetrate the human body, and all clothes are useless in front of his eyes!

Li Kuang couldn't help but tremble in his heart. In this way, wouldn't all the beauties have nothing to hide in front of him?
At the same time, his sense of danger is also more sensitive, and a little murderous fluctuation can attract his attention.

Ling Muran also worked very hard during this period, obviously stimulated by Li Kuang, the "trash"!

After such a long period of painstaking training, the function of Roaring Rabbit Meat has been fully utilized, which has raised his realm again.

However, he who has reached the point of being ruthless and unrighteous is still very confused. Why do he still have so many troubles?

I have tasted family, friendship, and love, and I have been reborn from the ashes, and my mood is one step closer. Normally, I should see through everything now, so why am I still restless?
So, he decided to leave this place and go out for a wandering to solve the confusion in his heart!
(End of this chapter)

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