War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1791 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick 9

Chapter 1791 Rebirth after disaster, super magic stick [-]
"Nonsense, it's all nonsense! I belong to the Yang family. I have always stood upright, blessed by the goddess, benevolent and pure, and there is no dirty and dirty thing like you. I will expel you from the family now. Life and death have nothing to do with the Mu family!"

After Yang Dingtian made this decision, he trembled all over himself, holding back tears, and looked at the orc prostrate on the ground sobbing with extremely complicated eyes.

The half-orc was stunned for a while, and then he bit his lips tightly and raised his head slowly, but his face suddenly calmed down, and tears slid down his cheeks, but his person was like Like a stone statue, motionless, it looks calm and ruthless!

"Father, is this... really your decision? Are you going to expel me from the family?"

Yang Dingtian nodded solemnly, but tears were rolling in his eyes. Orcs are his heart and soul!How could he make such a decision unless it was absolutely necessary?
If such a major accident happened, if he didn't deal with the orcs, the entire Mu family would probably become the laughing stock of Long Yu, and they would never be able to lift their heads again. For the sake of the family's reputation, they had to sacrifice their own children.

At this moment, Yang Ding's heart was bleeding.

He can tolerate the misbehavior of half-orcs and the destruction of the city of life, but he cannot tolerate the decline of his family!
The glory of the wood family always comes before all interests!This is not only the responsibility of being a patriarch, but also the lifelong pursuit of life believers.

When the orc heard the words, he let out an oh, and nodded flatly, as if he was talking to someone about such a light topic as "Are you lewd today?"

That strange indifference made everyone stunned.

When the half-orc said this, he looked straight at Li Kuang, who seemed to be smiling but not smiling, as if to say: "You see! I have been expelled from the family now, and you can no longer use many excuses to find They're in trouble!"

If he knew what Li Kuang was thinking at the moment, he didn't know what the situation would be.

What Li Kuang thought was, it turns out that no matter how animal a child is, he will have a tender side, and his human nature has not fallen to the last step. Forget it, this child is actually quite pitiful, so I will let him go!

However, when he returned that sliver of soul to the half-orc, he was rejected. The reason of the half-orc was that a man is a man, he will do what he says, and he will never break his promise!

In fact, what he was thinking in his heart was, your strength is so terrifying, even if you return your soul to me, is it just a matter of moving your fingers to clean me up?Moreover, without this solid relationship, maybe the trust will be greatly reduced, and when he finds an excuse to deal with the Mu family, he will be completely passive!
Alas, poor baby, in the end, the only thing I think about is the family...

(End of this chapter)

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