War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1792 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick 10

Chapter 1792 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick [-]

Seeing the half-orc begging Li Kuang so shamelessly, members of the Rebirth Legion felt ashamed to see others.

Fortunately, the patriarch Ying Ming expelled him from the family, otherwise, how could the Mu family hold their heads high?

Almost at the same time that Yang Dingtian announced that the half-orc was expelled from the family, the psychology of everyone present changed. The naked contempt and disdain concentrated on the half-orc's thin body like a blade.No more respect and concern.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Kuang's mouth, is this the reality?

After solving the problem of the half-orc hostage, Yang Dingtian's eyes were terribly gloomy, and he stared at Li Kuang as if he was going to eat people. If his eyes could be used as mouths, Li Kuang might have been swallowed by him.

Damn it, damn it!

Everything is the sin of the devil in front of me, but I didn't expect my wood family to bear it. Why?
If Yang Dingtian can still not hate Li Kuang, maybe even Li Kuang will be convinced by it.

"Devil, you are destroying the city of my life. You have committed a heinous crime, and you still don't surrender? Otherwise, if I give an order, Sanqianerlang will wipe you out!"

Yang Dingtian's murderous aura swelled up like a balloon, and he raised his hand, waiting for the order to attack collectively!

The regenerated legion fought together, and the combined strength of three thousand soldiers would not be able to bear it even at the peak of the emperor level. Yang Dingtian had enough reasons to believe that in the entire Dragon Domain, there would never be three masters who could bear it!

And although the demon in front of him looks very strange, its strength is only at the early stage of the emperor level, and there is nothing terrible about it.

Li Kuang looked at the half-orc, and showed an evil smile: "Your father forced me, so it shouldn't be considered a violation of my agreement!"

"Boss, please, don't be impulsive, leave this matter to me! With my younger brother here, how can I let you do it yourself!"

The half-orc was shocked, got up and put on a ridiculous defensive posture, blocking in front of Li Kuang, seemingly protecting the lord, but in fact, he was afraid that Li Kuang would suddenly attack and kill Yang Dingtian.

Li Kuang was amused and respectful at the same time.

It's just a pity that no one can understand the half-orc's painstaking efforts, and instead arouses everyone's anger for him.

A traitor is indeed a traitor. How long did it take to turn your guns against the family so quickly? It is in vain that the patriarch treats him so well. What a white-eyed wolf!

Scumbag, disgusting!
People can't be so shameless!Fortunately, the patriarch was wise enough to clean up the mouse droppings.

All of a sudden, the crowd was excited, and only waiting for Yang Dingtian's order, the two people in the middle were about to be strangled.

(End of this chapter)

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