War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1793 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick 11

Chapter 1793 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick [-]

Li Kuang wore a faint smile from the beginning to the end, as if he was watching a play with ease.

Yang Ding's eyes were so bad that he almost fell to the ground!Most of the feeling of guilt just now disappeared in an instant.

This rebellious son is really a waste of the old man's hard work, and the rotten wood can't be carved!
If it weren't for the strict discipline of the Rebirth Legion and the presence of the patriarch, the half-orc would have been drowned by the spit.

"Everyone, don't be impulsive, speak up if you have something to say!" The half-orc roared anxiously, but his eyes were focused on the staggering figure, and his heart ached.

"Father...Master Yang, please wait a moment, I have something to say."


Yang Dingtian didn't even look at the half-orc, and said a word coldly.

The half-orc smiled sadly, it was related to the survival of the family, no matter how much his father treated him, he would not care.

"Master Yang, this incident happened because of me, and has nothing to do with my boss. If you want to pursue responsibility, I am willing to bear it all. Please be merciful and calm this matter."

"Hahaha, it's ridiculous! My wood family has stood for countless ages, and I have never had the shame of today. If I can't wash it away, I will still stand between heaven and earth with my face? Moreover, as the guardian race of the tree of life, let The devil has sneaked in, if we don't get rid of it, I'm afraid the goddess will send divine punishment and destroy my family!"

Yang Dingtian is also helpless. As the base camp of the wood family, the City of Life is protected by the Tree of Life. Even in the entire Dragon Domain, it is definitely the number one safe place. Since ancient times, there has been no one who does not open his eyes. Ran wild here.

But this time, it not only destroyed countless buildings and cost countless crystals, but also dealt a heavy blow to the prestige of the wood family. If it ends hastily, the whole family cannot bear the consequences.

So no matter what, for the demon in front of him, the wood family is bound to win!How can you easily change your decision?
It's just that at this moment the half-orc is standing in front of him ignorantly, which really makes him very angry.

The half-orc is in extreme tension at the moment, but he can't tell his father that the horror of demons can only be understood by those who have truly experienced it!
"Father, please trust me once! I swear on my life, I did all this for you, for the family..."

"Shut up, you are not qualified to say such things, and you are no longer a member of my wood family, please pay attention to your words, give you a chance, immediately let go of the past, otherwise... the same crime as the devil!"

(End of this chapter)

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