War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1797 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick 16

Chapter 1797 Rebirth after disaster, super magic stick [-]

Li Kuang, who was enlightened in his heart, vaguely felt that he should do something to change.

For such an ending, Li Kuang absolutely does not want to see it!Everyone should have the right to live independently, with unlimited possibilities, instead of being controlled by fate, following the established trajectory, just like a puppet!
Isn't his appearance just to break such a rule?

There was a flash of lightning in his heart, but he took a step forward and shouted loudly: "Look at what you have become? You still claim to be devout believers of the goddess, the elite of the wood family? I think it is a pile of shit, a bunch of garbage !"

His voice was secretly using a part of the "Magic Sound Cracking Soul" technique. The voice was like a bell in the morning and a drum in the evening, directly hitting the depths of everyone's hearts, causing them to shake and wake up from their daze in an instant.

Immediately, all of them looked at Li Kuang with incredulous expressions, as if they couldn't believe that it was a demon who woke them up.

Naturally, they also remembered their mission, wasn't it just to eliminate the culprit this time?
If it weren't for him, City of Life wouldn't be in such a dangerous situation.

Immediately, everyone turned their grief and anger into strength and hatred, and the low-hanging sword was raised again, and the murderous aura that was disappearing was inflated like a balloon, and their spirits were lifted for a moment, as if they had changed people.

The orc looked at this scene in shock, and couldn't believe his eyes. In his heart, he was determined to follow Li Kuang.

The devil is really too powerful. It is not an exaggeration to describe him as turning his hands into clouds and turning his hands into rain. Just a few words can revitalize the regeneration army that is on the verge of collapse. This can be called a myth .

All of a sudden, worshiped, frightened, and excited, the half-orc couldn't help trembling, and his eyes burst out with a warm light.

Li Kuang said in a very depressed manner: "It seems that your enemies should be outside, how can you point your weapons at your own people!"

"Shut up, devil, don't use your sorcery to confuse us again, hum! Do you think you can frighten us by using illusion? I have seen through your tricks a long time ago. Will it continue to exist!"

Yang Dingtian shouted loudly, finally gritted his teeth, and waved an offensive gesture.

I rub!

Is that okay for self-comfort?
The soldiers of the Regenerated Legion, who had been suffocating for a long time, erupted with astonishing combat power at this moment. Thousands of sword qi roared, tore through the air, and gathered into a dazzling sword net, covering Li Kuang and the orcs. , Even the air was cut into fragments, presenting a strange linear shape.

(End of this chapter)

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