War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1798 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick 17

Chapter 1798 Rebirth after catastrophe, super magic stick [-]

Li Kuang frowned, and directly used his soul power to grab the half-orc into his defensive cover. The benefits of the private domain are obvious, without the slightest fluctuation, and without the slightest brilliance, but the two people are no longer in the same place as before. Space!
As long as these attacks can't break through the space barrier, they can't hurt the two people in the field.

Whoosh whoosh!
Three thousand brilliant sword lights gathered together, and a large mushroom cloud rose instantly, like an atomic bomb explosion, and then, a large part of that area was strangely sunken.

But the Regenerative Legion's attack has only just begun.

Once the attack is launched, all external influences seem to disappear. At this moment, they only have battle in their hearts!

The formation began to change in groups, and each group member used a mysterious formula, and on their long swords, there was a dazzling light, and these lights were intertwined to form countless small clusters of sword light , and the small light clusters merged again, and finally formed a terrifying huge light ball. In the light ball, there were shimmering lights like electric sparks, and it was countless sword qis that were criss-crossing.


Yang Dingtian uttered a heart-piercing cry, and the huge ball of light roared and hit the place where Li Kuang and the half-orc were standing!

This time, the power is even more terrifying.

There was hardly any abnormality, the space was suddenly shattered into pieces, and countless sword qi erupted instantly, ejecting in all directions like shrapnel.

It's just that its power is many times stronger than that of bullets. The broken space didn't have time to repair itself, so it was torn apart again, and it was immediately riddled with holes!
That piece of space cracked open at a terrifying speed, spreading hundreds of meters in an instant. Fortunately, the soldiers of the Regenerated Legion had already anticipated the power of this move, so they retreated far away as soon as the attack came out.

It's just that everyone's complexion doesn't look very good.

In the past, such a big move would be as simple as eating and drinking water. Because of the tree of life, the consumed spiritual energy would be replenished in an instant.

But now it's very different, even the ultimate defense array is constantly weakening, how can the tree of life automatically replenish their spiritual resources?

Therefore, after these fighters launched an attack with all their strength, their bodies were already empty, and they had no more combat power.

(End of this chapter)

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