War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1815 Darkness reappears, life is in danger 8

Chapter 1815 Darkness reappears, life is in danger [-]
That piece of space suddenly radiated a dazzling red light like a red-hot Luotie.

Lu Wu snorted coldly, and suddenly increased his strength. The violent energy instantly formed a sharp blade like a substance, stabbing fiercely at Lie Mingzi's body.

But what is surprising is that Lie Mingzi's flame is not just good-looking, the red light is no different from the real body, as if wearing a fire-attribute artifact defensive armor, all Lu Wu's energy is broken under its protection dissipate.

"Hahaha, trying to break through my flame shield just by attacking with your pure strength is simply a dream, ridiculous~! Look at my flames burning the city!"

Lie Mingzi was laughing wildly, the red light burst out, and he waved his hands at will. The red light in the sky seemed to be attracted, and consciously turned into several dark red flames that seemed to be real. With his gestures, they combined into a complex and weird flame symbol.

The flame symbols are like living creatures with spirituality, twisting and swimming in the void, like a poisonous dragon waiting for an opportunity. The next second, a proud smile hangs on the corner of Lie Mingzi's mouth, and he gently looks at Lu Wu one finger.

Lu Wu intuited that the temperature around him suddenly rose, as if he had suddenly come from an iceberg to a volcanic solution. The sudden change was almost unbearable.

What's more frightening is that in the surrounding hundreds of miles, there is no other energy except the rich fire element. The arrogance of the fire element is obvious. Lie Mingzi is using his perception of space to Turning this hundreds of miles into his own territory, although not as perverted as the domain, undoubtedly created a space that is most suitable for his own fighting!
In this way, the opponent can only rely on his own storage spirit to fight against himself. Under the ebb and flow, the balance of victory will naturally begin to tilt.

Lu Wu didn't realize this. With his prehistoric habits and dignity, fighting is a sacred thing. He doesn't bother to absorb energy from the surrounding environment to fight against the enemy. With their massive spiritual resources, they have the confidence to defeat any enemy!

However, against the equally powerful dragon clan, the result is hard to say.

The flame symbol was like a powerful missile, bombarding Lu Wu one after another like rain, splashing large clusters of sparks, extremely brilliant.

At this moment, Lu Wu's strong body was undoubtedly revealed. The terrifying flame with a temperature that could melt steel failed to cause any real damage to him, but only pushed him back hundreds of meters.

(End of this chapter)

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