War of the Three Realms

Chapter 1816 Darkness reappears, life is in danger 9

Chapter 1816 Darkness reappears, life is in danger [-]
Lie Mingzi was also surprised. Unexpectedly, Lu Wu's physical defense has reached the level of an artifact. You must know that he is a body with pure fire attributes, and he is born with absolute control over fire elements, although he only temporarily draws the surrounding spirits to turn them into fire elements. , not very pure, but it is not something that ordinary dragons can resist.

Although Lu Wu's realm is a little worse than him, not to mention his physical attributes, he is safe and sound in the flame shrimp. Isn't this an insult to him?

Immediately, there was a hint of evilness in Lie Mingzi's eyes, as if he had been greatly stimulated. The next moment, without hesitation, he directly summoned his natal attack artifact, a simple long knife with a length of one foot and two feet. !

The knife turned dark red, as if drinking too much blood, and exuded a deep aura. As soon as Pu appeared, it was like someone in hell sighed quietly, and the sorrow that penetrated into the depths of the soul suddenly burst out unscrupulously .

However, it is a fire attribute artifact...

Lie Mingzi caressed the blade affectionately, her eyes were so gentle that goose bumps appeared, as if she was not facing a cold knife, but a lover who had been in love for many years, infatuated and worshiped!
"This knife is called Fire Blood, and it is the only relic left to me by my father. It is your honor to die under its hands, foreigner, accept it!"


Lie Mingzi flicked the blade lightly, and a palpitating wave spread out, leading the surrounding space to gather tremors, just like the waves are raging.

Lu Wu's complexion changed suddenly, and he secretly complained.

This kid's weapon is not ordinary at first glance, it actually seals countless living souls, and it has the ability to capture souls, if you are not careful, your soul will be damaged, it is extremely vicious.

On the other hand, if you don't even have a weapon, how can you fight this battle?
However, just when Lu Wu was restless, a voice suddenly sounded: "I didn't expect such a thing to happen after a retreat. Hmph, playing with fire in front of me is really reckless."

A red glow suddenly flashed, and after a few laps in the air, it hovered in front of Lu Wu.

"Huoyunjian...oh, no, Brother Yinglong, why did you come out?"

Yinglong's sword was shaken, but he greedily absorbed the pure fire element around him, and said: "I made a breakthrough and successfully upgraded the flame, of course I have to wake up, how did you get into such a shitty ghost?" Where? And Xiao Kuang?"

Lu Wu smiled wryly, and directly sent out a divine thought, sharing the experience of this period of time with him.

After listening to Ying Long, he even called it a loss. He didn't expect that he would miss so many rare experiences once he retreated.

(End of this chapter)

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