War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2009 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle 23

Chapter 2009 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle [-]
"Long Xiao Nine Heavens, Envoy Heaven and Earth, Yu Tian Jue's Transformation!"

Ying Long's voice was floating, as if it merged with the whole world, but the fire dragon, which seemed to be extremely violent, burst into pieces after smashing countless space fragments.

And the distance from his burst is still a full [-] meters away from Hunpeng.

Not only were everyone stunned, but even Hun Peng was stunned.

This attack of the soul body is too funny!Self-destruct without even seeing the shadow of the opponent?

The huge fire dragon exploded, and hundreds of millions of sparks shot out. Even though the surroundings were surrounded by space debris, the sparks shot out dozens of miles away, destroying the surrounding space to the extreme, and even the space threads seemed to be melted, turning into a A lump of paste.

The light that was more dazzling than a hundred suns made people's eyes sting and they couldn't see.

Even Hun Peng closed his eyes slightly.

Naturally, no one saw that all these sparks had been mixed into the space debris and merged with it.

Such a method is unheard of.

It's like the Creator God created this space at the beginning. The whole space is also supported by one point and gradually expands. The space thread and various fulcrums are connected to form a huge whole.

These fulcrums and threads are the most essential existence of this world, and have their own unique rules. This rule can be comprehended and used by outsiders, but its essence has long been doomed, and no one can change it without authorization unless the Creator God .

But now, Ying Long broke this rule deeply and created a real miracle. He completely merged into the space thread and became a part of the space thread!

Everything seemed to be unchanged, no further spread, unstoppable, and the space-time storm in front of him was completely calmed down in an instant, but Hun Peng's face was extremely bad.

This time the attack consumed a lot of energy, which had exceeded his expectations. This made him feel deeply frustrated, but at the same time, it also aroused endless anger.

This group of ants actually caused him to be hurt, which is simply unforgivable.

Everyone stared blankly at the scene in front of them, and the feeling of heartache spread in their hearts.

"Brother Yinglong...why did this happen? Hun Peng, if I, Li Kuang, don't kill you, I swear I won't be human!"

The first one to speak out was not the stunned crowd, but Li Kuang who hurried over!
(End of this chapter)

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