War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2010 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle 24

Chapter 2010 Time and Space Powerhouse, Dragon Domain Decisive Battle [-]
Li Kuang hurried over when the fear spread from his heart, but he was still a step too late. Seeing Yinglong dissipate into sparks all over the sky, his whole body was shaken, and he felt his whole heart shatter in an instant. An unspeakable grief filled the soul.

Are you unable to overcome the fear in your heart and dare not move forward?Are you begging God for mercy and to give you hope?The world is merciless, where you will not get any help!People must rely on themselves, why bother to match the heaven and the earth?Conquer this world, control it, and become a real man!

The heroic words of that stalwart man seemed to be echoing in his ears, but at this moment, Li Kuang knew that the brother Ying Long who had been with him, encouraged him, and witnessed his growth had disappeared forever in this space. Never coming back!

Li Kuang raised his head and let out a stern roar, his eyes burst out with multicolored lights that seemed to be real, his violent aura continued to rise, and the surrounding space creaked, as if he couldn't bear the pressure of such violence!
The Great Elder Yang Wei and others who rushed over afterward were shocked. They thought that it would not be an easy task to make Li Kuang, a little monster, angry.

Under the seemingly innocent and lovely face of this kid, there is a heart as hard as iron hidden, sinister and selfish, cunning as a fox, like an old monster who has gone through the world.

At least Elder Yang Wei never took advantage of him.

Seeing his appearance at this moment, they couldn't help but guess in their hearts, what is the relationship between this strong man who just disappeared and him!
"Little maniac! You finally appeared, we had a hard time looking for you!"

The four girls were shocked when they heard Li Kuang's voice, and turned their heads in disbelief, looking at the handsome young man in casual clothes.

Both Shixuan, Qinglan and Liu Feng's eyes were filled with tears. Yinglong's disappearance made them feel inexplicably sad, but now seeing their longing lover, they just wanted to throw themselves into his arms and cry bitterly.

It's just that everyone knows that no matter the time and place, it's not suitable to reminisce about the past, because this handsome young man in front of him only has hatred in his eyes!
Never for a moment has Li Kuang hated someone like this.

There has never been a moment when Li Kuang felt so powerless. He had determined to give the world the right to choose life freely, but he couldn't even protect his own relatives. Isn't this the most daring irony?
Being lonely since he was a child, he has long regarded Yinglong as his relative, but now, seeing his relative turn into ashes in front of his eyes, how can he calm down?

(End of this chapter)

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