War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2038 Phantom Realm Cry, Wheel Chapter Divine Eye 20

Chapter 2038 Illusionary horror, reincarnation eyes [-]

Li Kuang opened his eyes, and the two rays of light shone as if they were real, and their aura was several times stronger than before entering the illusion of time and space!
"Hey, your strength has increased so much? It seems that you have a lot of secrets!"

Venus was obviously also taken aback. She originally thought it would be good for Li Kuang to recover at most half of his strength in this short period of time, but she didn't expect this kid to directly reach the peak of the emperor level after only [-] hours of practice!
This kind of cultivation speed is simply appalling, even if she is formed by the rules of the source, she is not so terrifying.

snort!Even if you can reach Dzogchen, so what, you will not escape death after all!
Venus smiled coldly, but did not continue to ask.

Li Kuang's soul power gushed out to take over Venus' energy input, but his expression changed.

That pressure is more than twice as strong as before, and of course it consumes faster.

At this moment, the passage is less than a thousand miles away.

With the ability of Li Kuang's divine eyes, the distance of a thousand miles is no different from a hundred meters, and his expression became more dignified.

Through the mask, he could feel that the closer he was to the passage, the more terrifying the pressure of the space would be, and the area within a kilometer of the entrance of the passage had reached the point of space collapse.

And what's weird is that the speed of space collapse and repair is almost as fast. If you don't pay attention to it, there is nothing else but a feeling of rippling water.

Li Kuang narrowed his eyes slightly, and his heart sank.

I really don't know how much pressure it takes to cross that area, even the space can collapse in an instant, and I don't know if the mask can hold it.

Venus has always only heard her voice but not her person, and Li Kuang didn't know where she was hiding, but she obviously also discovered the horror of that area.

"Don't worry, I'll help you wherever you go. Don't worry that the mask can't bear it. As long as there is enough energy to support it, even if the whole world is destroyed, it will continue to exist!"

Li Kuang couldn't help asking: "What kind of artifact is this that can withstand the ablation of nothingness? Isn't it impossible for any substance to exist in this space? It's clearly an entity, why is there nothing wrong?"

Venus said softly: "In this world, there are three things that are eternal and nothing can be destroyed. Do you know those three things?"

Li Kuang was taken aback, he really didn't know this.

Venus also seemed to know that Li Kuang had no answer, so she said, "These three treasures transcend everything in the world. They are the origin of all living beings, and they are also the foundation of the space of this plane."

Li Kuang's heart trembled, but a shocking news came from his ears: "These three treasures are the three holy places!"

(End of this chapter)

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