War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2039 Phantom Realm Cry, Wheel Chapter Divine Eye 21

Chapter 2039 Illusion and horror, reincarnation eyes [-]

Even with Li Kuang's composure, he couldn't help swallowing deeply when he heard such shocking news.

This is really... too shocking!
Isn't there such a super artifact in his own field!

Venus said lightly: "And the guardian of life we ​​are in is the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan!"

Li Kuang was completely speechless.

A super treasure that will last forever even if the world is destroyed, naturally it is not afraid of the ablation of the power of nothingness.

However, this holy land of the dragon clan is too small.

At the same time, a question arose in Li Kuang's mind: "Since the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan is so powerful, what are we afraid of? Why don't we just rush over there?"

Venus sneered and said: "Stupid, no matter how powerful the artifact is, it also needs a power source. Without the power source, how can it exert its power? Although the guardian of life is the sacred place of the dragon clan, its life force is completely extracted and no energy is input. If the mask is maintained, the artifact will be fine, but everything in the artifact will be completely destroyed."

Li Kuang smiled wryly and said, "For a long time, the super artifact is just a small wooden boat. If it doesn't work out, it will capsize. If you want to move forward, you have to do your own work."

"Stop talking nonsense, pay attention to maintaining the energy transmission, I will control the route, if you are a little careless, there is really a danger of capsizing."

Li Kuang didn't dare to be careless, the slow input of soul power just happened to maintain the consumption of the mask.

As he approached the passage, Li Kuang realized how shocking it was when he watched it from a close distance.

Not to mention the chaotic space that was in collapse and recovery at that moment, just looking at the huge dark passageway, like the mouth of a super monster, brought a wave of heart palpitations.

An inexplicable coercion filled the heart, making people dare not even breathe out. With such coercion, those whose souls have not reached the state of Dzogchen may collapse immediately.

The space-time fault channel is really weird.

Where exactly is the secret hidden?To attract a main god like Venus willing to take risks?
"There are more and more spatial turbulence. These are folding spaces. If you are not careful, you will be drawn into the cracks and you don't know where you will be thrown, so you must be extremely careful."

Venus warned that in such a chaotic place, even she dared not be careless.

The spatial rules here are all kinds of strange, and each space is different, but these many spaces are strangely overlapped or intertwined, and only a small place can pass through during this period.

This is simply a minefield full of landmines, criss-crossed, if one is not careful, one will be caught and fall into a situation beyond redemption.

(End of this chapter)

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