War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2041 Phantom Realm Cry, Wheel Chapter Divine Eye 23

Chapter 2041 Illusionary horror, reincarnation eyes [-]

Li Kuang was so happy that he even changed his address.

Venus was depressed for a while, but she suppressed the attack and comforted herself secretly. Anyway, this kid won't live long, so let him use his tongue!
With the power provided by Venus, Li Kuang immediately relaxed a lot. He swallowed an energy crystal, rolled his eyes, and locked on the most perfect route.

With a surge of divine power, he gently manipulated the boat formed by the guardian of life, and shuttled forward silently.

Although he successfully got rid of his identity as a coolie, Li Kuang still deeply felt the horror of the outer space.

The invisible pressure makes people collapse, like mosquitoes advancing in solidified jelly, it is not ordinary difficult.

This guardian of life is worthy of being the Holy Land of the Dragon Clan. It turned into a shuttle-shaped mask, and the sharp halo in front of it was actually sharper than a divine weapon.

On the contrary, the space itself is in constant motion, collapsing and repairing, going round and round, and only by watching closely can you appreciate the shocking beauty.

Li Kuang secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva. With his current understanding of space, he can naturally see how terrifying the outside world is.

Any matter that appears, I am afraid that it will be subjected to the pressure of countless space collapses in an instant.

Coupled with the space-time storm that may blow at any time, it is like dancing on the tip of a knife, like walking on thin ice!
Even with the calmness of a goddess, she couldn't help becoming nervous at this moment. Although it is not easy for an existence at the level of a main god to fall, in this forbidden area, everything is possible.

Venus is not sure whether any terrible changes will happen if her consciousness disappears here.

Under the turbulent space, there is no absolute calm place. Even the masters at the peak of the emperor level may not dare to resist the violent shock.

The whole world is like a mixer stirring, every place is in a strange state of motion.

Perhaps, it is precisely because the power of space is torn apart and entangled with each other, and various rules restrain or restrain each other, so that the terrible space-time smoked wind does not appear.

Li Kuang didn't dare to be careless, his mind and divine eyes were in perfect harmony, and the faint colored light was even more restrained, as deep and mysterious as the starry sky, as far as he could see, the space seemed to be trembling faintly.

At this moment, the function of the divine eye is simply an infrared ray glasses in the smoke bomb, which can see things that cannot be seen by normal sight.

(End of this chapter)

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