War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2042 Phantom Realm Cry, Wheel Chapter Divine Eye 24

Chapter 2042 Illusionary horror, reincarnation eyes [-]

Relying on such an intuitive vision, Li Kuang manipulated the Holy Land, carefully skimming through the cracks in the tearing space.

To Li Kuang, that seemingly terrifying area was safe and sound.

Having carried out the most precise calculations in "Enlightenment", Li Kuang is naturally full of confidence. Of course, the premise is that the goddess Venus can withstand the tearing pressure of the outer space.

This requires extremely precise control, because if the power input is too large, it is likely to cause fluctuations in the outside world, not to mention the wind in time and space, but if the delicate balance of the chaotic space is broken, it is enough for two people to drink a pot.

So at this moment, Goddess Venus has completely let go of her airs and tried her best to control the power output, keeping the small spaceship in a delicate balance.

"Be careful, you are too close, you were almost swallowed by the space crack just now."

Venus said angrily.

This bastard, he didn't want to take such a wide road, but he had to pass through the edges of two long and narrow cracks that opened like the mouths of giant beasts. If it wasn't for the divine power of the goddess to control the spaceship into the cracks, the spaceship was almost not dragged directly into the cracks.

Li Kuang laughed secretly. With his divine eyes, he could see clearly than the goddess. In fact, the seemingly peaceful space was hiding murderous intentions, but they were torn apart and maintained in an extremely delicate balance.

Such a state absolutely cannot tolerate the slightest damage from external force, otherwise, the peaceful place will become dangerous, the entire space collapses, and the chain reaction caused is enough to swallow a hundred miles around.

And such a change, except for Li Kuang who has divine eyes, I am afraid that no one can really see it.

Even the goddess Venus, one of the two main gods, can't!
Li Kuang smiled faintly, and didn't bother to explain to her. He continued to control the spaceship, as if driving on a rough sea, constantly seeking good luck and avoiding bad luck. There was no danger along the way, but he quickly broke through the distance of several thousand meters. remote.

According to Li Kuang's visual inspection, this terrifying space turmoil area is at least a hundred miles long and two hundred miles wide.

This distance is only just entered, and there is still a long way to go from the end point.

Even if Li Kuang had already simulated the best route in his mind, when it came time to implement it, the pressure would definitely not be so great.

Sweat slipped from his temples quietly. Li Kuang's eyes were like a peaceful galaxy, staring ahead lightly, seemingly calm, but from the slightly trembling shoulders, it could be seen that he was actually more nervous than ever at the moment.

This feeling of walking on the edge of life and death is really not that comfortable, and it makes people feel a little suffocated involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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