War of the Three Realms

Chapter 207 Bloody Battle in the Valley, Li Kuang Shows His Power 2

Chapter 207 Bloody Battle in the Valley, Li Kuang Shows His Power 2
Seeing this, Liu Feng was also shocked, and hurriedly sacrificed the flying sword, turned into a stream of light, and kicked at Mei.

However, the speed of Meimei's kick was too fast, and when he chased Li Kuang, his route was also extremely irregular, which could be called the most complicated and disorderly dodge, which greatly increased the difficulty for the two behind to use the magic weapon.

Hot Wheels and Flying Sword clung to each other like heat-seeking missiles, but they couldn't hit the target correctly.

Kong Kong was secretly startled, this big brother really lived up to his reputation!He even dared to compete with Meiqi in terms of speed, this dodge and evasion is not only handsome, but also in place, he really deserves to be a big brother!
How did they know that Li Kuang was already sweating profusely and exhausted at this moment!
It's completely beyond the limit.

One after the other, they flitted and moved in the valley, causing mountains and wild grasses to fly all over the sky, like the end of the world, a paradise that was destroyed in a mess.

Li Kuang escaped depressed, and the two people behind were even more depressed. The target was clearly in front, but they couldn't attack, and his speed had surpassed Feijian!
It's too perverted!

Kong Kong was so angry that he yelled loudly, he did not hesitate to expend his mental energy, and chased fiercely with the hot wheels.

Li Kuang was secretly annoyed in his heart, if this continues, even if he is not caught to death by this damn Mei kick, he will die of exhaustion!
This guy is really disgusting. Compared with endurance, he is obviously far from being an opponent. For the current plan, he can only fight to the death.

Last time I hurt him with the Fire Cloud Sword, it seems that I can only rely on it this time!
Why is my life so hard!

Li Kuang wailed, a surge of anger welled up in his heart, how could Yu Tianjue's pride tolerate being chased and beaten like this without fighting back?

The heroic spirit was aroused, and the dragon spirit sealed in his bones emerged uncontrollably, as if breaking through the seal and laughing proudly at the world.

But to use these energies, you have to use the Yuxu Qingxin Jue. Only the Yuxu Qingxin Jue can connect the sealed meridians together, forming a movement of true energy, and thus a powerful attack!

But such attacks often cannot be sustained, that is, the seal is temporarily opened, it is an accident!

In Ying Long's thinking, it is only to seal these energies, not to seal the meridians, it is like a passage, although it cannot allow vehicles to pass through, but people can pass through without any problem, and what Li Kuang has to do is to keep practicing , widen this passageway that allows people to pass through, and turn it into a road for vehicles!
(End of this chapter)

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