War of the Three Realms

Chapter 208 Bloody Battle in the Valley, Li Kuang Shows His Power 5

Chapter 208 Bloody Battle in the Valley, Li Kuang Shows His Power 5
Liu Feng and Kong Kong were also caught by Mei Kick's terrifying aura, hurriedly retreating with Yu Jian, occupying the halfway up the mountain, watching Mei Kick nervously!

Unexpectedly, after Mei Kick roared, his body fell like a shooting star on a rock not far from Li Kuang, and he didn't take revenge immediately, but looked at Li Kuang quietly.

Such a strange scene immediately made the three of them stunned, not knowing what the cruel and brutal Mei Kick wanted to do!
Li Kuang was even more nervous to death. Of course he understood that if this Meiqi was dying and wanted to drag someone to be buried with him, he must be the first choice.

The fire cloud is still inserted into its body, and it is still burning, which looks extremely strange.

"You... who the hell are you? How could there be... how could it be?"

Meiqi looked at Li Kuang, but there was a trace of confusion in his eyes, a little bewildered, as if he was insane.

Li Kuang forced a smile, and said: "Brother Meiqi, actually... there was a little misunderstanding between us, I didn't mean to be your enemy, really!"

Meiqi murmured, but suddenly raised her head and laughed sadly: "Why? Why? Why did you do this to us?"

It seemed to be questioning Li Kuang, and it seemed to be asking God. In an instant, a sense of desolation surged into everyone's hearts, making people feel inexplicably bitter.

Li Kuang was startled, he didn't expect that Meiqi, who was a spirit monster, was so humane, it was really hard for people to connect them with those ferocious beasts.

At least in Li Kuang's heart, a spirit who can speak human words cannot be regarded as a stupid beast!

But just now he felt something in his heart, but the mind and eye contact suddenly issued an alarm, and a cold current that made his soul tremble locked on him instantly!

Li Kuang was terrified, and felt that from his soul to his body, he had turned into a popsicle.

This is... ice energy!
Li Kuang finally recalled that Charm Kick was a powerful spirit monster with dual attributes of ice and fire. The head of the fire attribute was chopped off by his own fire cloud sword, and naturally there was only one ice attribute left.

It's just that he never expected that Meiqi hadn't used his ice energy to attack, so that he had forgotten about it, and now he was suddenly plotted by it, so it's no wonder he didn't get hit.


"Big brother..."

Liu Feng and Kong Kong were shocked immediately, seeing that Mei Kick jumped up, grabbed Li Kuang as fast as lightning, leaped several times, and rushed up the mountain, disappearing in an instant!
(End of this chapter)

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