War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2076 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead 1

Chapter 2076 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead [-]

Even Li Kuang was astounded by this kind of power. If he encounters it when facing the enemy, his mind will inevitably be affected.

This power of nothingness is estimated to be the power mastered by the Creator God, so it naturally possesses a special power.

Li Kuang also paid a high price for absorbing and refining the power of nothingness, and he almost failed to melt his meridians at the beginning.

Fortunately, when his body was strengthened, he also had a little resistance to this power of nothingness, coupled with the extremely powerful Chaos Against the Sky Art, he finally persisted.

In just a few months, for Li Kuang, he has made too much progress, and it is also one of the few penances in his lifetime.

On this day, Li Kuang finally came to the end of the passage.

Standing on the top of the peak, Li Kuang's diamond-shaped pupils reappeared, and the black hole-like halo flowed, causing the surrounding airflow to intensify instantly, and even the power of nothingness rushed in, unexpectedly causing a small storm .

The terrifying power of nothingness directly entered the eyes, making the black hole-like deep eye sockets even more cold.

The cold and stern gaze spanned hundreds of miles, betting on the huge light cluster connecting the sky and the earth!
There is the gate of life and death!
The so-called gate of life and death is even more shocking from a distance. It is tens of thousands of feet wide, surrounded by black flames, illusory and unpredictable.
Even though they were hundreds of miles away, Li Kuang felt the huge and ancient aura of vicissitudes. It was a suffocating coercion, and human beings were as weak as ants in front of it.

So strong!

Li Kuang felt dizzy in his brain for a while, and suddenly turned pale with shock, and hurriedly looked away, not daring to use his divine eyes to peek again.

After adding the power of nothingness and the origin of the soul, it is too terrifying to be unable to withstand the pressure of the gate of life and death.

The lingering black flame is definitely not a simple smoke, but like extremely fine silk threads, intertwined and entangled, weaving countless mysterious and strange rules.

There is actually more than one rule on this huge door, and what shocked Li Kuang even more is that these rules are not a single existence, but are related to each other, vaguely, it turned out to be an ancient strange formation!
Sure enough, it is worthy of being the God of Creation. What a great handwriting, even using several spaces to set up the formation, that kind of scene is like using the starry sky as a disk, and the stars as children, laying out a peerless killing situation. Once the large formation is activated, the power of several planets All of them are pouring in, who can stop this kind of heavenly power?


(End of this chapter)

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