War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2077 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead 2

Chapter 2077 Fighting for hegemony in the blood pool, condensing the godhead [-]

No wonder Venerable Feng is full of complaints, such a strong formation, with his suppressed strength, even if he goes through [-] Hunyuan Immeasurable Tribulations, he will never be able to break through.

The majestic radiation of the gate of life and death is hundreds of miles wide, and that area unexpectedly presents a gray and illusory state.

The power of nothingness there is also extremely strong, I am afraid that it is not much more than the outside of the passage, and the general emperor class may not be able to hold on for a minute.

In addition to the gate, Li Kuang also vaguely discovered another place with extremely strong energy fluctuations, but the latter seemed a little obscure under the coercion of the Gate of Life and Death, and the faint fog shrouded it, and the naked eye could not see the specific scene clearly.

But under Li Kuang's divine eyes, this bit of occlusion was not a problem at all. Standing on a high place, Li Kuang almost saw through it directly, and finally made a shocking and inexplicable discovery.

In the dense fog, the area covered by the power of nothingness like a hood turned out to be a wide lake.

And in the lake, endless bloody aura was continuously bursting out, hitting the illusory and unpredictable cover like a rain of arrows, and it was instantly melted into invisible.

The lake that was fortunate enough to be knocked back was surging like boiling, with an astonishing murderous aura rising to the sky. If it weren't for the suppression of the power of nothingness, it would probably be covered in blood red for thousands of miles.

The terrifying murderous aura made even Li Kuang tremble in his heart when he saw it, as if there was something extremely terrifying hidden in it.

"Could it be that Venus' goal is there? No matter what, let's go and see first."

Li Kuang pondered for a while and then made a decision. With his current strength, it shouldn't be a problem to escape even if he can't beat Venus.

Now that I'm here, I have to figure it out and try to go out and reunite with Shixuan and the others as soon as possible. If Venus is not dealt with, Bing Rou will probably not be at peace.

snort!Old guy Sanders, don't think that making a replica can replace Nuwa, I will be the first to say no!

This woman has the appearance and figure of Nuwa, but her mind is extremely vicious, and she pretends to be righteous, more selfish and ruthless than anyone else.

If you kill her several times and kill yourself, you can't keep her!
For the first time, Li Kuang also became murderous towards women.

In one leap, Li Kuang jumped directly from the top of the tens of feet of the peak, under a thousand times the gravity, which made his body so heavy at this moment that people couldn't believe it. Naturally, the speed of the fall was extremely fast, like a sky Like a meteorite, it hit the ground hard.

There was a loud noise, the earth trembled, and cracks meandered, bursting out like earth dragons.

This level of impact alone weighed millions of catties. If it was replaced by the original body, it would have exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

But now Li Kuang just bent his legs and feet slightly, and let go of the terrifying momentum, and then laughed loudly. When he exerted his strength, the ground exploded, and the gravel flew, and he shot out like an arrow that left the string. .

(End of this chapter)

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