War of the Three Realms

Chapter 2192 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War 35

Chapter 2192 Dragon Realm Crisis, Doomsday God of War [-]

The colorful shield is constructed by the divine power of chaos, and it is regarded as the most powerful force in this space, and relying on Venus' understanding of the rules of time and space, such a shield is actually not a simple shield, but contains multiple layers of advanced The rules of space, layers of structures like bulletproof vests are superimposed, and finally form an amazing defense.


A huge roar came out, making people suspect that a mountain fell down. The violent airflow set off huge waves, and the space was covered with cracks. On the huge shield, the rules of space were instantly activated, and the layers were decomposed to withstand the impact of huge forces.

This makes the force transmitted to Venus' body, already so small that it can be ignored.

Although she was not injured, but to the proud Venus, this was nothing more than a slap in the face, which discredited her.

"Li Kuang, I want you to die"

Venus yelled angrily, and even abandoned the huge shield and took a step forward. It was obviously a step forward, but her body appeared strangely high above the sky.

With five fingers open, multicolored divine power surged out, like five sharp knives of different colors, piercing through the air with a whizzing, condescending piercing towards the top of Li Kuang's head.

As the absolute master of the formation, the space rules here are formulated by her, as long as she wants, she can instantly move to any direction, launching an unstoppable attack on the enemy.

Although Li Kuang is not the master of the big formation, not only can't understand the changes in its rules, but he has to be suppressed a lot, but he has divine eyes and "Shadowless True Illusion Flow" body skills to help.

Under the keen sense, the airflow in the surrounding space surges and the rules change, none of which can escape Li Kuang's perception. Compared with Venus, he is not affected much except that he cannot teleport.

Although Venus moved strangely, Li Kuang had already noticed it, and almost didn't even look at it. His figure was like a fallen leaf blown by a strong air current, drifting away strangely.

Venus' fierce blow actually pushed him further away.

Feeling the trajectory of the surging air flow, Li Kuang sneered. When he turned his body in the air, the Mie Shen Dao had turned into the Heavenly Tribulation Sun Shooting Bow. When he turned to face Venus, a small golden red arrow It has already flashed out strangely and silently.


The inaudible piercing sound of the air almost caused no spatial fluctuations. The golden-red figure seemed to ignore the distance. As soon as Pu appeared, he made intimate contact with Venus.

A circle of ripples rose up, but there was no unexpected bang, but silence. It seemed that Venus was always on guard against Li Kuang's sneak attack.

The ripples spread, as if turning the space into a gentle lake, tightly wrapping the Heavenly Tribulation Shooting Sun Arrow, and the next second, the surrounding time and space suddenly solidified, everything condensed into eternity, and the Sun Shooting Arrow showed a kind of The whole body is split apart, with an attitude of wanting to explode but not exploding.

The "explosion" in Li Kuang's mouth was still rolling in his throat, but he could no longer yell out, because he was shocked to find that the thread of soul that was closely connected with him had been completely severed.

The Sun God Arrow is a complete space constructed by divine power. Its explosion is like an explosion in a miniature compressed space. A small arrow is enough to destroy a city.

(End of this chapter)

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